Toggle Word Wrap

Toggle Word Wrap


    Jul 10, 2007#1

    Hello All,

    In UE Ver 13.10..........CTRL+W does not toggle word wrap. Does anybody else have this problem ?


    Power UserPower User

      Jul 10, 2007#2

      Works fine for me (on 13.10+4)

      However, I note that there doesn't seem to be an indicator that word wrap is active or not - which would probably be useful.

      There is no such thing as an inconsistently correct system...
      Therefore, aim for consistency; in the expectation of reaching correctness!


        Jul 10, 2007#3

        PaoloFCantoni wrote:However, I note that there doesn't seem to be an indicator that word wrap is active or not - which would probably be useful.
        If you have included the "toggle word-wrap" button in your main toolbar the button changes appearance when toggling word wrap. When word wrap is on it looks "pressed down". Also when using "wrap at windows edge" the horizontal scroll bar is greyed out when wrapping is active.

        And my ctrl+W still works ok in UE13.10+4. Could your key mapping for ctrl+w somehow accidentally have changed ? (Check in Advanced - Configuration - Key mapping)

        Power UserPower User

          Jul 10, 2007#4

          Thanks for that... I was looking on the status bar...

          There should still be an indication there. The Status Bar is for status information. The state of the button is an auxiliary indicator.

          There is no such thing as an inconsistently correct system...
          Therefore, aim for consistency; in the expectation of reaching correctness!

          Grand MasterGrand Master

            Jul 10, 2007#5

            I have written years ago a mail to Ian, that I miss some important infos in the status bar like the word wrap or the column mode status. But Ian answered that the space in the status bar is limited and it's not possible to add something to the status bar without removing something other.

            And I must agree. When not working with a big screen resolution and a maximized window there is not much (better no) space left in the status bar for additional indications, if the user should be able to also read the tips (prompts) on left side of the status bar.

            So years ago I have added to my customized tool bar all those commands which indicate important modes, which are not indicated in the status bar.
            Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria