Multiple locations for temporary files

Multiple locations for temporary files


    Mar 10, 2005#1


    UE V11a+, Win XP
    due to privacy reasons I would like to have two different folders for the temp files (I usually need temp files because of the file-lock-problem), one of them in a container, which is not mounted all the time.

    I tried to do this with the ini file, the entry (under "[settings]")

    Code: Select all

    Temp File Dir="Q:\temp\"
    should change the temp file dir - says the help. But it doesn't work, the temp file is always generated in the "documents and settings\user\....\temp\"-directory. (Don't know the exact name 'cause of my German Windows XP)

    What is wrong with this entry?


    The second problem is, that the behaviour of UE by searching the ini file is unlike it's described in the help. The (german) help says something like:
    • if there is a command line parameter "/i" the inifile is taken from the name given with the /i-parameter.
    • if there's no /i in the command line, UE looks for a an enviroment setting named "UEINIDIR". If UEINIDIR is defined, UE searches the given path.
    • At last UE looks in the folder, where it's own exe is running.
    I thought, if the path in UEINIDIR is wrong, UE will still find the ini in its own directory, but that's wrong. If UEINIDIR is defined and the path given there is not existing (that means: my unmounted container), no inifile at all will be found, and UE starts like on first installation with default settings.

    Is there any possibility to solve this problem?
    On my system UE is linked by many other applications, and it's hard to replace any call of UE with batchfiles etc., so I hope to get the following situation:
    1) If the container is mounted, the ini-files from the container are used, also the temp files will be created in the container.
    2) If the container is not mounted, the "normal" inifile is used, and the tempfiles are created anywhere.

    Also possible would be: NO tempfiles with new files, but tempfiles with existing files in their own folder.

    Any ideas? Thanks in advance,


    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Mar 11, 2005#2

      I also use a different temp file directory and this works. But I have specified it in the INI without double quotes and without a backslash at the end. So try Temp File Dir=Q:\temp.

      Next problem with INI file. I think, you are right. UltraEdit is searching for the INI file in the order described in the help. But if specified and not available or found, it creates and uses a default INI, which I personally think, is good practice.

      To solve your problems, I suggest to substitute the Q: drive to a local directory with standard dos command subst. I guess, that you map the Q: drive with a batch file at startup, so you only have to add a line, where a subst is done, if Q: server is not available. The local directory substituted to drive Q: must have the same directory structure and a valid copy of the INI file. The substituted drive Q: is available for all applications.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Mar 11, 2005#3

        Thanks, Mofi, the first problem was solved quickly with your hint, now I'm able to use different temp file directories.

        "Subst" is not an option, because Q: normally is an encrypted container (BestCrypt), which I only mount when I need it. If a substituted drive q: exists, I'm unable to mount the container to q:, and have to do all the subst .. and subst /D -commands anytime, when I mount and unmount the virtual drive, also close and reopen UE.

        But I played a bit with the 'Temp File Dir' - setting and found out, that UE places its temporary files on the default location, if the ' Temp File Dir' path is given, but doesn't exist.
        Most surprising: if it later exists, from this time all new temporary files (no matter if new or opened file) are made to the specified path. However, the files, which were open before mounting the virtual drive, keeps their old temporary files. So it's possible to have the edit.000 two times, one on C:\... and one on q:\.

        The only restriction is: if I unmount the q: drive while a temporary file is open on it (normally I get a warning about this by the BestCrypt control program, so there's no need to panic), the open files could not be saved after this, and some errors occur. But this is a minor problem.

        Danke nochmals!
