Custom syntax highlighting get reset when saving UEW file

Custom syntax highlighting get reset when saving UEW file


    May 22, 2012#1

    Hi, I wonder if any experience this before.

    Here is what I did: I file, for example, test.php. Cutomiz it's syntax colour, for example use black as background;

    Now I open the syntax highlighting file, make a few changes, for example, add some new keywords, now save it.

    Go back to the test.php file, now all the colour is reset to default colour.

    It happens everytime i did it since long time ago (from many versions ago), I just come to see any one has the same experience and I might send a bug fix request to IDM...


      May 22, 2012#2

      You didn't mention which version of UE that you are using. This would help us to help you.

      Although, if you are editing the .uew file to change colors, I can fairly safely assume that you are using at least version 15 of UE, or version 9.1 of UES.

      I have done a lot of work with this, and have discovered that if there is some sort of error in the color information in the file, it will indeed reset to the default colors every time. However, this is not the ONLY reason for this to happen. In order to manually edit the colors in several of the versions of UE, you must FIRST edit the colors from within the program (such as editing at least one color in the "scheme" colors.) The main background color of "text" is actually under "View -> Set Colors" where you want to configure some of these colors.

      It can be quite confusing, very tedious, and rather tiresome attempting to map out colors in UE.

      It can also be very difficult to manually edit this file, and make sure there are no errors.

      This is why I created a program to assist you with it. See the topic: Color Scheme Management Tool. You may want to consider downloading the tool to update the colors for your wordfiles. Also, there are well over 1000 themes available for download. The list of themes is also linked in that first post of the topic. There is the standard desktop version of the program and a version, depending on your needs. It is still in active development and is currently having new features worked on to make editing/creating wordfiles even easier fairly soon.

      Grand MasterGrand Master

        May 22, 2012#3

        Please customize the colors for PHP and exit UltraEdit. Next restart UltraEdit, open the wordfile and make the changes you want.

        The color settings are stored in the wordfile only on exit of UltraEdit, not immediately when pressing button Apply or OK in the configuration dialog.

        But UltraEdit detects when you edit a wordfile used for syntax highlighting in the same instance. On every save of the wordfile, UltraEdit rereads everything from the wordfile including the color settings stored also in the wordfile to immediately apply the changes of the wordfile.

        Therefore customizing syntax highlighting colors for a language applied internally in memory only up to next exit, then opening the wordfile, making some changes and saving it, results in loosing the color customization as the color settings are reread to internal memory again from the wordfile.


          May 23, 2012#4

          Thank you rhapdog and Mofi. Yes, now that I realized it is exactly as what you have said, the colour scheme was saved in memory before exit from Ultraedit.