Template auto-suggest not working with auto-complete enabled

Template auto-suggest not working with auto-complete enabled


    May 21, 2012#1

    I am having trouble with the template auto-suggest feature.
    I am noticing it with the "if" statement. In my templates I have defined what I would like for "if".

    I have put the suggest time far down to 10 ms.

    What I notice is that after I type "if" nothing appears. But if I type a space, and then delete that space, the template will appear. I have to go on char past the if and then delete for it to pick it up.

    Is "if" too short for an auto-suggest template?

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      May 21, 2012#2

      Default smart templates file for JavaScript contains also a template named just if and it is working fine. So the length of the template name should not be the problem.

      If I have a *.js file open or an HTML file and I'm within a JavaScript section, type i and f and wait 1 second (default pause time value for auto-suggest smart template when typing), the language template if is suggested. I'm using UE v18.00.0.1034. 10 ms for pause time is definitely too small.

      But I think I found out why auto-suggest template feature is not working for you for template if.

      I have NOT enabled configuration setting Show auto-complete dialog automatically at Advanced - Configuration - Editor - Auto-complete. But if this setting is enabled and the setting below has value 3, there is no auto-suggest as long as not at least 3 characters are typed. Setting the value to 2 results in displaying the auto-complete dialog with smart template if for being inserted with TAB key.


        May 21, 2012#3

        Thanks for the response. Yes, I do have the auto-complete on and set to 3 characters.
        I would not have thought these two features to be coupled, but I guess it makes sense in the end.

        I will try to change my settings to see what happens.

        Thank you.

        Grand MasterGrand Master

          Jun 06, 2012#4

          The help page Auto-complete (Configuration - Editor) was updated with UE v18.10 and describes now the interdependence of auto-complete and template auto-suggest features.

          Further I have found out in the meantime how to trigger the auto-suggest for templates with name shorter than number of characters for showing auto-complete list.

          On entering something like if continue with one more word character like s to get a word which is not in list of words for auto-completion. Next press BACKSPACE to get correct word if and wait the short time as set in templates configuration dialog. Now the templates auto-suggest feature is triggered and suggests the smart template with name if.