Customized menu configuration keeps resetting in UE v20.00 (fixed)

Customized menu configuration keeps resetting in UE v20.00 (fixed)


    Oct 07, 2013#1

    I'm trying to create a custom main menu bar by using both a custom-named menu and layout saved as the current state of the default 'Lean' layout. In the Menu Configuration window, I scrolled down the left table of existing menus, selected Project, clicked the right arrowhead to remove it and clicked OK, which removed Project from the menu bar as expected. However, after closing UltraEdit and then restarting it, the Project menu is back again in its original place. So I right click the menu bar and go to Customize Menu, but when I scroll down the list of existing menus in the left table, Project is not listed and clicking OK removes Project from the menu bar as before - only for it to reappear when I restart UE. Is this a known issue? I'm running UE 20.00.1502 on Win7 with latest patches.

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Oct 07, 2013#2

      It looks like this is a bug introduced with UE v20.00.0.1052 because of the new menu caching system. I reported this issue to IDM by email today and IDM support could reproduce the problem.

      I found a workaround. After the menu is customized like you want it, exit UltraEdit. Now open with Notepad %APPDATA%\IDMComp\UltraEdit\uedit32.in0 which is the workspace file.

      In this file there are the two sections

      [SOFTWARE\IDM Computer Solutions\uedit32\MenuBar\MFCToolBar-593980]

      [SOFTWARE\IDM Computer Solutions\uedit32\MenuBar\MFCToolBar-593983]

      You will see that those two sections contain VERY long hexadecimal strings for entry Buttons=.

      Delete those two sections completely, save the file and exit Notepad.

      In case of no such entries in uedit32.in0, start Regedit.exe of Windows, navigate in the tree to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\IDM Computer Solutions\uedit32\MenuBar and delete the values MFCToolBar-593980 and MFCToolBar-593983. I can only hope that this description is correct for registry usage as on my computers the workspace settings are stored in the workspace file and not in Windows registry.

      Start UltraEdit which recreates the two deleted values, but now with the data matching the commands in the customized menu.

      Edit on 2013-12-08: This problem was fixed with UE v20.00.0.1056 released on 2013-12-06.


        Oct 07, 2013#3

        Brilliant! Thanks Mofi. I didn't have to go into the registry as I found those two sections in uedit32.in0.