Special danish characters gone !

Special danish characters gone !


    Oct 01, 2004#1

    UPS - what now !

    Those special danish language characters (o with af slash, a with a circle above, +) doesn't show anymore in UltraEdit.

    When the same file is loaded into NotePad everything looks normal.

    When I try to save the file in Notepad the encoding shows as 'ANSI' (actually meaning Windows-1252 - I suppose).

    Can anyone help ?


    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Oct 01, 2004#2

      Open View - Set Font... and check the font you use is one, that has full Western European support. Check in the same dialog the Script: setting. It should be Western.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Oct 01, 2004#3

        Settings was as follows:

        Font: Courier New
        Script: Western

        which must be OK.

        But you helped anyway - unchecking 'View | OEM Character Set' did the trick.

        Thank you.
