Move views from right to left

Move views from right to left


    Dec 09, 2010#1

    I've set the environment to Web Developer. On the right side there are several flyout tabs including "Tag List", "Template List", "XML Manager", and "Function List".

    I'd like to move those to the left side under the "Workspace Manager" flyout or set them so that they only expand when selected.

    Currently when I mouse over they expand and I have developed a habit over the years of moving my mouse right to clear the cursor away and naturally it expands the menu and changes focus.

    Any tips on how to do either? Ideally I'd just like to move them to the left but I don't see how.

    Thanks for your help.

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Dec 09, 2010#2

      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Dec 10, 2010#3

        Mofi, many thanks for your response. The second like helped me on my way. What I didn't realize was that I needed to expand the menu, and deselect auto hide before I could move them. They're now on the left side. Perfect. Well, except for...

        Not that they are on the left I'm trying to keep "Workspace Manager" on the top of the stack. When I expand it and then it contracts it moves to the bottom. Any way of keeping the order of the items?

        Thanks again.

        Grand MasterGrand Master

          Dec 10, 2010#4

          To get the views in auto hide mode in the order as I captured to left_auto_hide.png you need to arrange the views on left side either side by side as captured to left_side_by_side.png or below each other as captured to left_below_each_other.png. Then click on the symbol to enable auto hide mode from left to right view or top to bottom view.

          As long as you don't disable the auto hide option and later enable it again for one of the views, the arrangement of the tabs of the views remain in that order. But if you disable auto hide for a view and later enable it again, it's tab is moved down. In this case you have to disable auto hide for all the views and re-arrange them again.

          Alternatively you can backup the file uestudio.in0 containing the workspace settings stored in the directory of the INI file and restore it when you want to restore your preferred workspace. That's the method I use. Unfortunately the Backup/Restore User Customizations command in menu Advanced does not support the workspace file(s) which I should report sometime. So you need to backup and restore %appdata%\IDMComp\UEStudio\uestudio.in0 manually using your file manager. Of course restore by copying a backup over existing workspace file works only if no UEStudio instance is currently running. Alternatively all the settings in the workspace file uestudio.in0 can be copied once into the INI file uestudio.ini. If no uestudio.in0 exists on startup, UEstudio copies the settings from uestudio.ini to uestudio.in0. That makes it possible to restore the workspace by simply deleting uestudio.in0 while no UEStudio is running. But re-use already existing sections in uestudio.ini when copying the settings from uestudio.in0 to uestudio.ini.
          left_auto_hide.png (584Bytes)
          Views on left side in auto hide mode
          left_side_by_side.png (2.66KiB)
          Views arranged side by side on left side
          left_below_each_other.png (3.79KiB)
          Views arranged below each other on left side
          Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


            Dec 13, 2010#5

            Thank you for your response, very helpful.