Restoring customized toolbar / menu after updating built-in toolbars / menus

Restoring customized toolbar / menu after updating built-in toolbars / menus


    Jan 03, 2012#1

    Updating UEStudio ruined all my toolbars and a range of other things. I thought I was safe because the backup checkbox was checked. All I can find regarding these backups are "Saved [01.03.12]" files but I have no idea how to use them. I've tried renaming them to overwrite the new files, I've tried creating backups of them and importing them, nothing works. Please help.

    Also how do I restore the old open, save, save all icons? The new ones are silver on silver and hard to see.

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Jan 04, 2012#2

      It is quite simple to switch back to your customized toolbar profile. Simply right click on any toolbar and select ... Saved [01.03.12].

      The same can be done for the main menu profile if you have customized the main menu too.

      For restoring a customized context menu (document window and file tab context menus can be customized), it is necessary to open Advanced - Configuration - Toolbars / Menus - Management, click on button Manage Menus and use the Save As button to save a ... Saved [01.03.12] again as .... This restores the main menu profile (*.mb1) and the popup menu profile (*.pb1). Further you can delete also not needed backups as you can do also within Manage Toolbars dialog.

      Hint: UEStudio updates only the standard menu and toolbar profiles, but never customized menu and toolbar profiles saved with a different name. So it is good practice to save a customized toolbar profile with a different name like MyToolbars.

      Even better is to save the complete customized environment with a personalized name. Open View - Environments (UE < 20.00) or View - Layouts - Manage Layouts (UE >= 20.00) and use the button Save Current State As to avoid in future an update on your customized environment/layout at all. I use this method because it gives me the possibility to always update the standard environments/layouts without making a backup. After the update I switch temporarily to most suitable standard environment/layout and look which new commands are available and if some of them are interesting for me too. Then I switch back to my customized environment/layout and customize the toolbar and menu by adding the new commands which are of interest for me.

      Regarding your second question see Previous icon set available in UltraEdit v17.00? You have to extract the Save icons you want in previous style from the appropriate image, save them as BMP files and assign those BMPs to the Save commands in your customized toolbar.

      Edit: Don't know why the toolbar of uestoolbar is completely displayed in grayscale. This is not common. Even the symbol of a currently disabled command is displayed usually with colors.


        Jan 04, 2012#3

        They don't appear on the right click menu. I've manually recreated what I remember of the old setup now anyway.

        Thanks for taking the time to give a detailed reply, hopefully it helps someone else.

        Wow I just read the thread regarding the icons and there are so many valid points raised there. No clue why the icons were changed.
        Besides being more intuitive to experienced users (both because they are what we had been using in UltraEdit for years and also because they conformed to industry standard designs) they were also much easier to see. The color contrast was much better, the line definition was clearer, and the overall designs of the icons was cleaner. Particularly for the smaller icons. Now they all have a grayish blue tint, blurred edges, and more complex designs. They may be nicer artistically speaking, but functionally they're horrendous.


          Mar 09, 2012#4

          I am wondering how I can get back the icons of commands I use most to the menu bar after update to UE v18.00?

          Edit: Problem has been solved. The problem was that the toolbar disappeared after I updated to UE v18.00. All I needed to do was go to View ==> Views/Lists ==> Toolbars and select the toolbar I would like to be displayed. I hope this helps others.