Duplicate a wrapped line

Duplicate a wrapped line


    Jun 10, 2012#1

    Hi guys,

    hotfix of UltraEdit has been released last week.
    This release fixed the following old bug: "Move Line Up / Down now moves entire line including wrap".

    This is a great news because that bug was really annoying. But I'm wondering why IDM team did not fixed another related bug which concerns the ability to duplicate a wrapped line? I use this functionality every day (duplicate line) excepted for wrapped lines. Why? Because UltraEdit duplicates only the part of the line where the cursor is located, not the entire line. I hope this bug will be fixed with the next hotfix.

    I've already sent an email to IDM's support but no follow up on this issue.


    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Jul 08, 2012#2

      In UltraEdit v18.10.0.1016 and later versions the command Duplicate Line duplicates entire line when line is soft-wrapped.