What is 'Find String List'?

What is 'Find String List'?


    Dec 05, 2012#1

    I routinely use the 'List Lines Containing String' function in the 'Find' window to extract a grouping of lines into a small window. I then use the 'Copy to Clipboard' function so that I can paste the resulting lines into another UE window or another application. I've never had problems with this before.

    Now, for the past two days, when I try to do this, I get a window labeled 'Find String List' which is buried behind the main file window so I can't see the results. It appears to be connected to the main window, ie. a part of it. I don't want this, and I can't figure out how to go back to the way things were.

    I'm also very confused by the 'Hide Lines' and 'Show Lines' options at the bottom of the 'Find' window. I understand the concept of showing only matching lines and hiding those lines which don't match, but that doesn't seem to be how this works. (When I press 'Show Lines', the entire disappears except for the line I'm sitting on.)

    I've scoured the Help in UE and have found nothing useful which explains these settings. I don't know what exactly the 'Find String List' and 'File View' windows are or why they've suddenly appeared. I don't need them. I'd prefer the normal file view. I did find this in 'Help':

    Hide Lines
    If this button is pressed all lines matching the specified search string will be hidden in the active file using code folding.

    Show Lines
    If this button is pressed only lines matching the specified search string will be displayed in the active file. All non-matching lines will be hidden using code folding.

    But I don't want to show or hide lines inside the actual file. I just want to extract lines to the clipboard like I've always been able to do before.

    Can anyone help?


    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Dec 06, 2012#2

      You obviously upgraded from a previous version of UltraEdit.

      Hide Lines and Show Lines are features which are mainly used for filtering large logs. For example administrators of a website may use these 2 buttons to filter the access log of the website, for example when just lines containing status code 404 (error code - file not found) should be displayed and all other should be hidden. If you don't need them, ignore those 2 buttons.

      You prefer the option List Lines Containing String. In UltraEdit prior v18.00 using this option resulted in opening a resizeable, modeless dialog window with a list of all lines containing the searched string. Since UE v18.00 the lines containing the searched string are listed in a view with the title Find String List.

      A view window has some advantages in comparison to a resizeable, modeless dialog window.

      While both windows can float over a document window in any size, only a view window can be alternatively also docked on any side of the UltraEdit main window. When the Find String List window is docked for example at bottom, it is possible to configure this view to auto-hide itself. This has the advantage that the document window is not partly covered by the results of the find. Simply moving mouse pointer over the tab of the Find String List tab results in opening the view again, double clicking on one listed line results in setting the caret to beginning of this line in document window, and moving mouse pointer away results in hiding the results window again.

      But even if you want the found lines always visible and therefore don't dock the Find String List window and don't use auto-hide feature, you have now the choice if the found lines should be displayed in a floating window over the document window like before or perhaps better docked at bottom of the UltraEdit main window so that never lines in document window are partly covered by the results of the find.

      Another advantage of a view window in comparison to a resizeable, modeless dialog window is the fact that the view window can be reopened at any time after closing it still showing the lines of last find after reopening while the resizeable, modeless dialog window once closed could not be reopened. If you ever close the Find String List view window before having all lines evaluated, you can reopen it via menu item View - Views/Lists - Find String List.

      A disadvantage of a view window in comparison to a resizeable, modeless dialog window is that it cannot have other elements like buttons. IDM compensated this disadvantage by giving the view a context menu with all the commands available before in the dialog window via buttons. So simply right click into the Find String List view window and you will see the command Copy to Clipboard which you want to use.

      Basic UserBasic User

        Dec 17, 2012#3

        I am using the latest UES 12.20 and I can't find a view called "Find string list" anywhere. Does it need to be activated?

        Grand MasterGrand Master

          Dec 17, 2012#4

          If Find String List is not included in submenu Views/Lists in menu View you use either a customized menu, or you have denied the update of the standard menu profiles after upgrade to UES v12.20, or you use a customized environment/layout with its own menu profiles.

          In case of using a standard environment/layout with not customized menu and just update was denied by you, open Advanced - Configuration - Toolbars / Menus - Management, click on button Manage Menus, select the environment/layout currently used and press button Reset or use button Reset All. You can open this dialog also by right clicking on main menu and left clicking on Manage Menu Configurations.

          Please note that there is one environment/layout not listed in this dialog - the Advanced environment/layout which is simply the standard environment/layout if no other selected. The Advanced environment/layout consists only of main menu and context menu profiles and the toolbar profile, but does not have a predefined workspace and a predefined template file as the other standard environments/layouts. The menu profiles of Advanced environment/layout can be updated manually only by using button Reset All.

          In case of using a customized menu or a customized environment/layout, right click on the menu and left click on Customize Menu. Search in right list for Find String List and add it to submenu Views/Lists in menu View.

          Special hint 1: When using a customized enviroment it is always safe to accept the updates of the menu / toolbar profies after an upgrade with or without making backups as the menu / toolbar profiles of customized environments/layouts are never updated by UE / UES.

          Special hint 2: After updating the standard menu profiles either on first start after an upgrade or by using the button Reset All as described above and using usually a customized environment/layout, it is best to use Advanced - Open New Instance of UltraEdit / UEStudio and select in this new instance a standard environment/layout like Power User, Programmer, System Administrator, Technical Writer or Web Developer. The last standard environment Notepad Replacement (Simplistic) is not good as this environment contains a very small subset of available commands. Now you can easily compare which new menu and toolbar commands in your customized environment/layout are missing in comparison to the updated standard menus and toolbars and can add them to your environment/layout. After finishing updating the menus and toolbars of the customized environment/layout, close first the second instance using currently a standard environment/layout and later the first instance with your customized environment/layout.

          Special hint 3: Alternatively to hint 2 the Content tab of help of UE/UES can be opened. There are Menus/Toolbars with help pages for all toolbars and their commands and Menu Commands with a sublist item for every menu where first help page of a menu contains the complete list of commands in this menu. Those lists can be used to update a customized menu / toolbar of a not updated standard or custom environment/layout.