Find an id string that is NOT 36 characters long or contains invalid characters?

Find an id string that is NOT 36 characters long or contains invalid characters?


    Jan 09, 2014#1


    I am trying to validate some XML files that contain many strings like this:

    <Phrase id="e76a7a36-27cb-4d4a-abbf-a17e009a3b4f"

    The ID between the quotes should always be 36 characters long, but I had an instance recently where one of them was longer.

    What I would like to do is run a search to find any Phrase ID that is not 36 characters.

    I can find 36 characters easily enough: <Phrase id=".{36}"

    But how do I say More or Less than 36?

    I'm using UltraEdit and my preferred regex engine is Perl (but I'm happy to accept a solution in any engine).

    ... or better still:
    Is it possible to search for NOT 36 characters but all characters must be valid hex or dashes?


    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Jan 09, 2014#2

      It looks like search string <Phrase id="(?:[^"]{0,35}|[^"]{37,}|[0-9a-f\-]*?[^"0-9a-f\-].*?)" is what you need, a non marking OR expression.

      [^"]{0,35} ... matches identifier strings with less than 36 characters.
      [^"]{37,} ... matches identifier strings with more than 36 characters.
      [0-9a-f\-]*?[^"0-9a-f\-].*? ... matches identifier strings with 36 characters, but at least one character is whether a hexadecimal character nor a hyphen.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Jan 09, 2014#3

        That's perfect!
        Thanks very much :)