UE 12.20: Error in macro on UE-startup

UE 12.20: Error in macro on UE-startup


    Oct 12, 2006#1

    Hi folks,

    I just updated UE 12.10b with UE12.20 (German). When I start UE now I get a small error dialog which says: "Error in macro". (I have told UE to load my macro file on UE startup.)
    Thats it. Macro list then is empty.
    It's the same macro file I load(ed) without any problems in 12.10b.
    Is there a macro statement "discontinued"?
    Any ideas?
    I can post the macro "collection" s.w. if s.o. wants to have it.

    - XP sp2(e)

    rds Bego
    Normally using all newest english version incl. each hotfix. Win 10 64 bit


      Oct 13, 2006#2

      Same problem with English v12.20.

      "Error in Macro" where starting UE and when trying to load macro.

      W2000 (spanish)


        Oct 13, 2006#3

        Hi Troglo,

        thx for the "support" post ;-)
        I just sent an e-mail to support with my macro file.
        I hope they can track the problem asap.
        Will be back here when I know more.

        rds Bego
        Normally using all newest english version incl. each hotfix. Win 10 64 bit

        Advanced UserAdvanced User

          Oct 17, 2006#4

          I get the same error after transferring Ultraedit to a new pc. I'm using the same version of ultraedit as I did on the old machine, so I guess it's not a problem with discontinued commands or version compatibility in general.

          Any news from you guys?

          Grand MasterGrand Master

            Oct 17, 2006#5

            I have yesterday installed UE v12.20 and UES v6.10 on my Win98 notebook and today on my WinXP PC. I don't have any macro loading problem. My specified macro file for load on startup loads perfectly. I do not execute any macro automatically after load and I also don't have set macros for execution on every load and save. And the full file name with path to the automatically loaded macro file is completely in 8.3 format. All my important programs and files are installed/stored in directories without a space and most also in 8.3 format. In all my macros the UltraEdit style regular expression engine is used if a regex find/replace is needed.

            It will be interesting what is the "error" in your macros.
            Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


              Oct 17, 2006#6

              hi guys,

              hmm, I only have the macro file automatically loaded. That's all. No other startup macro or other stuff is executed.
              Meanwhile, I have a mail that the developers could reproduce the error.
              Well, this is not TOO bad for me, because it "only" doesn't work on my home-machine. In the office, I still use 12.10a

              EDIT: Mofi, I also use a clean path. Not only 8 chars, but no spaces. I hate spaces in directories:
              END EDIT.

              Sure I could reinstall 12.10 and "strip" the macros but as this might not solve the problem it costs at least so much time to test. Lets wait a bit for IDM. They sure can debug it better.

              I'll keep you informed.

              rds Bego

                Oct 18, 2006#7

                Just received a mail from IDM.
                They will send me a fixed exe.
                Will test it not before tomorrow evening, CET.

                night dudes

                  Oct 19, 2006#8

                  Glad to say that the hotfix 12.20+1 now solves this issue :-)

                  n8, Bego
                  Normally using all newest english version incl. each hotfix. Win 10 64 bit

                  Grand MasterGrand Master

                    Nov 21, 2006#9

                    With UE v12.20 and UES v6.10 GotoLine and GotoLineSelect has a second required parameter: the column number.

                    And the commands GotoBookMark and GotoBookMarkSelect require now a bookmark number as parameter.

                    These changes caused internally a new macro version number for ALL macros saved with UE v12.20 / UES v6.10 or higher. So macros saved with v12.20 / v6.10 or higher cannot be loaded anymore with a pre 12.20 / 6.10 version independent of the usage of these 4 commands.

                    For full compatibility with macros created with an UltraEdit version prior v12.20 or UEStudio prior v6.10 which use at least one of the commands GotoLine, GotoLineSelect, GotoBookMark or GotoBookMarkSelect at least UE v12.20a+2 or UES v6.10a+2 is needed. The UE versions 12.20, 12.20+1, 12.20a and 12.20a+1 and the UES versions 6.10, 6.10+1, 6.10a and 6.10a+1 have some bugs when loading older macros with at least one of the 4 commands and internally converting them in RAM to new syntax.

                    All conversion problems with GotoLine, GotoLineSelect, GotoBookMark and GotoBookMarkSelect are fixed with UE v12.20a+2 and UES v6.10a+2.

                    Additionally the IDM developers have built-in a new feature according to my suggestion as I reported the conversion problems: GotoLine can be used now as GotoColumn and GotoLineSelect as GotoColumnSelect

                    Since UE v12.20a+2 and UES v6.10a+2 it is possible to use GotoLine and GotoLineSelect with line number 0. 0 means in current line. So

                    GotoLine 0 200

                    sets the cursor in current line to column 200. And

                    GotoLineSelect 0 150

                    sets the cursor in current line to column 150 with selecting everything from current cursor position till column 150.
                    Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


                      Nov 22, 2006#10

                      Once more: Valuable info Mofi. thx.
                      Normally using all newest english version incl. each hotfix. Win 10 64 bit