
150+ macros for PHP JScript CSS and HTML

150+ macros for PHP JScript CSS and HTML


    Aug 26, 2010#1

    Modcove uses UltraEdit on a regular basis to code our products for customers. We have decided to release a Macro package we have compiled that will assist with coding in these areas.


    UPDATE 09/06/2010
    The original product advertised 100+ Macros.

    Version 1.1 updated on 09/06/2010 now has over 150+ macros (roughly 170 or so), and now includes a 68 page PDF document that explains each macro in detail and tips & tricks for programming in each language.


      Sep 01, 2010#2

      Do you have a list of the kinds of Macros in this package? It sounds interesting, but I'd need to have some idea of what is in there before I put my money down.


        Sep 02, 2010#3

        Here are a few, apologies we didn't list these before:

        * PHP: $_POST
        * PHP: Database Connect
        * PHP: Open File
        * PHP: Define
        * PHP: Die()
        * PHP: Remove Dir
        * PHP: Touch File/Folder
        * PHP: Error Report
        * PHP: Mail() Function
        * PHP: Strtlower
        * PHP: Strtupper
        * PHP: Session Start
        * PHP: Session Destroy
        * PHP: Insert Function
        * PHP: Include File
        * PHP: Query - List Row
        * PHP: Query - Insert Into Table
        * CSS: Background Repeat
        * CSS: Font-Family
        * CSS: Font-Weight: Bold / Normal
        * CSS: Start / End CSS Tag
        * CSS: Border Styles
        * CSS: Cursor Types
        * CSS: Text-Decoration
        * CSS: Text-Transform
        * JSC: Include File
        * JSC: Javascript Tag
        * JSC: Jquery 1.3 Include From Google
        * JSC: Function Alert_Box
        * JSC: Function Prompt Box
        * JSC: Function Current Time
        * JSC: Define Variable
        * JSC: Execute Variable
        * JSC: document.write
        * JSC: Insert Comment (Single Line)
        * JSC: Insert Comment (Multiple Lines)
        * JSC: For Loop
        * JSC: While Loop
        * JSC: Do While
        * JSC: Break Loop
        * JSC: Break Loop & Continue
        * JSC: Array
        * HTML: Entire new page setup <html><head><title><body> tags in proper place
        * HTML: A Href
        * HTML: Text Styles (Bold, italics, underline, etc)
        * HTML: Insert Image

        - Much More