
Accent to plain character replacement

Accent to plain character replacement


    Oct 19, 2012#1

    Would anyone have a replacement formula that would convert all the accented characters (umlaut, accent, accent grave, tilde, etc.) in a text to their equivalent unaccented characters?

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Oct 19, 2012#2

      That cannot be done with a single replace. You need a macro or script for this task like the macro below. The macro property Continue if search string not found must be checked for this macro.

      Code: Select all

      Find MatchCase "ƒ"
      Replace All "f"
      Find MatchCase "Š"
      Replace All "S"
      Find MatchCase "Ž"
      Replace All "Z"
      Find MatchCase "š"
      Replace All "s"
      Find MatchCase "ž"
      Replace All "z"
      Find MatchCase RegExp "[ŸÝ]"
      Replace All "Y"
      Find MatchCase RegExp "[ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆ]"
      Replace All "A"
      Find MatchCase "Ç"
      Replace All "C"
      Find MatchCase RegExp "[ÈÉÊË]"
      Replace All "E"
      Find MatchCase RegExp "[ÌÍÎÏ]"
      Replace All "I"
      Find MatchCase "Ñ"
      Replace All "N"
      Find MatchCase RegExp "[ÒÓÔÕÖ]"
      Replace All "O"
      Find MatchCase RegExp "[ÙÚÛÜ]"
      Replace All "U"
      Find MatchCase "ß"
      Replace All "ss"
      Find MatchCase RegExp "[áàâãäåæ]"
      Replace All "a"
      Find MatchCase "ç"
      Replace All "c"
      Find MatchCase RegExp "[èéêë]"
      Replace All "e"
      Find MatchCase RegExp "[ìíîï]"
      Replace All "i"
      Find MatchCase "ñ"
      Replace All "n"
      Find MatchCase RegExp "[òóôõö]"
      Replace All "o"
      Find MatchCase RegExp "[ùúûü]"
      Replace All "u"
      Find MatchCase RegExp "[ýÿ]"
      Replace All "y"
      I created this macro using View - Views/Lists - ASCII Table. Some special characters like those for ETH and THORN are not included in this macro as I don't know which are the ASCII letters for those characters.