
Active line background

Active line background


    Jul 24, 2005#1

    How can I turn that off, so that it leaves my syntaxhighlighting alone? Right now, parts of the highlighted line change their color, ie. Strings or parenth parenthesis turn to whatever color has been choosen ..

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Jul 25, 2005#2

      Described in help of UE. Described also a few times in the forum. And a simple look over the menu items and you would also find it. But okay, here is the result of a quick search: Current Line highlighted... no thanks!
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Jul 26, 2005#3

        Thanks for flaming me. However, this is NOT what I want to change, as I'm fine with the active line, in fact I even prefer it that way.

        And I did use the search, but anyways.

        I'll try to describe my problem ..

        Let's say I got a line of code:

        function switch ($foo)

        If I now move my "position" over that line, it changes to:

        function switch ($foo)

        It basically "loses" part of it's syntax highlighting.


          Jul 26, 2005#4

          Hi gopher,

          this doesn't happen in my copy of UE. What version are you using? What programming language is this?

          BTW, I misunderstood your post, too. Mofi is one of the most helpful UE experts, and he knows solutions to the most obscure problems - but he is also allergic to "RTFM" requests. We should use his valuable time more efficiently by trying to explain our problems as exactly as possible. Sorry you got singed a bit :)


          Grand MasterGrand Master

            Jul 26, 2005#5

            Could be a problem with your version of UE or a bad syntax highlighting definition file. Most of the time problems with syntax highlighting is caused by mistakes in the syntax definition. We actually need much more details.
            Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


              Jul 29, 2005#6

              UE: 11.10b
              Language: PHP
              Syntax file: The one that came with it, nothing changed.


                Aug 01, 2005#7

                Hm. I tried reproducing that with the configuration you mentioned; it doesn't happen here, neither when editing it as a PHP file nor as embedded code in an HTML file. I'm no PHP expert, but is it legal at all to call a function "switch" - that's a reserved keyword, isn't it?

                Maybe you have an entire file that you can upload that exhibits this strange behavior?



                  Jan 28, 2006#8

                  Can't use the Zend Copy that I got anymore, so I'm back to using UE32.

                  The problem is still present in the current version of UE32 (11.20b).

                  The function switch() part was only an example, of course it wouldn't work "live".

                  More details about the problem:

                  - Vanilla highlight file
                  - PHP syntax highlighting

                  "Normal Text" (the top entry in the syntax edit form) loses the color entered as soon as I move the active line over it, and assumes the color that is set under Syntax Highlighting->Non Syntax Highlighted Colors->Active line. The rest of it is untouched (for example Comments, Control structures etc).



                  Also, why is the "->" between the class name and the function split between those too highlight types? Can I just add it to the built-in functions part, so it gets highlighted on its own?

                  Grand MasterGrand Master

                    Jan 29, 2006#9

                    That's normal. Open View - Set Colors. You will see a color setting for normal Text and a color setting for normal text on Active Line. Set the color for normal text on active line to the same color as the normal text and you should not have this color change anymore.

                    This setting is for users which want active line coloring for normal text without syntax highlighting and a background color for the active line which is identical to normal background. So only the color of the text changes for example from black to dark blue to highlight the current line slightly.

                    The '-' character is not a delimiter character and is not specified as single character in the color group for delimiters. That's why it has the same color as $word before and "->" looks a little bit strange for you.
                    Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria