
Alignment of data in columns

Alignment of data in columns


    Nov 09, 2019#1

    I have data which look something like this:

    Code: Select all

    AM22     abcd    1234      AM23  efgh   ijkl   AM24   5678   7890  
    AM22     xxxx     xxxx     xxxx   AM23   ssjj  bgjjy hhjki  AM24  ddhhdh  xxxxx
    I need this to be arranged:

    Code: Select all

    AM22     abcd    1234             AM23  efgh   ijkl         AM24   5678   7890  
    AM22     xxxx     xxxx     xxxx   AM23   ssjj  bgjjy hhjki  AM24  ddhhdh  xxxxx
    The primary alignment should be done on the columns with AM22, AM23 and AM24.

    I am a newbie and need help with either a script or macro to get the wanted format.


    OS Windows 10 64-bit 
    UltraEdit text/hex v24.20.0.44

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Nov 09, 2019#2

      There are some information missing before a script can be coded for this task.

      Is the input file a CSV file using horizontal tab character as column separator as many CSV files also known as TSV file?

      If the answer on question above is no, because the input file is not a TSV file:

      What should be interpreted as column separator on processing the input file?
      Should two or more spaces or two or more spaces or tabs or just a single space be interpreted as column separator?
      Or should just AM22, AM23 and AM24 be interpreted as column separator and the data between should be not modified with exception of inserting additional spaces where required left to AM23 and AM24.

      Are there always exactly 11 respectively 3 data columns?

      How many spaces should be used between the data columns in output: two, three or four spaces?

      Is it possible that some data are enclosed in double quotes and all whitespaces (spaces, tabs, newline characters) inside double quoted data value should be interpreted as part of the data value and never as separator between the data values?
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Nov 09, 2019#3


        It's not a TSV file. No data are placed in double quotes.

        We can only interpret AM22, AM23, AM24 as column separators. There could be more data columns in between. It's not limited to 11 respectively 3 data columns. It's a large data of a few thousand records. I was hoping to just use that as an example of the data set.

        I would like to use AM22, AM23, AM24 as column separators. There could be one or more data  information with space separators between AM22, AM23, AM24.

        Regarding to the spaces:
        The spaces are represented by an underscore in this example.

        We can consider the data extract as the values AM22 followed by a single space then record then again a single space and record, etc. But the space between the data and the AM could be two or three.

        I can make that all the AM (22,23,24) have a single space between them, but I still need them formatted so I can have the AM (22,23,24) formatted in a single column.

        Thanks for helping me out.

        Grand MasterGrand Master

          Nov 10, 2019#4

          Okay, here is the UltraEdit script for this data alignment task.

          Code: Select all

          function DataAlign ()
             // Define the parameters for the case-sensitive Perl regular expression
             // Replace all executed on entire file to align the data columns.
             // The Perl regular expression finds use also those parameters.
             if (UltraEdit.activeDocument.findReplace.find("[«»]"))
                UltraEdit.messageBox("The file contains character " + UltraEdit.activeDocument.selection +
                                     " and cannot be processed because of that character.");
             // Replace each horizontal tab in entire file by a space using a simple normal
             // replace all to make sure having finally really a fixed column width file.
             UltraEdit.activeDocument.findReplace.replace("^t", " ");
             // Replace all spaces around all words starting with AM in upper case
             // and having one or more digits by « left to the keyword and » right to
             // the keyword. The characters « and » should never exist in the file.
             if (!UltraEdit.activeDocument.findReplace.replace("^(AM\\d+) +", "$1»"))
                UltraEdit.messageBox("The file contains no value matching expression \"^AM\\d+ +\" and is not further processed for that reason.");
             UltraEdit.activeDocument.findReplace.replace(" +(AM\\d+) +", "«$1»");
             // Remove all spaces at end of all lines and append « at end of all lines.
             UltraEdit.activeDocument.findReplace.replace("$", "«");
             UltraEdit.activeDocument.findReplace.replace("^«", "");
             // Select the first line of the file, get it loaded into memory with
             // splitting this line up into substrings using « as separator and
             // move the caret back to top of the file which cancels the selection.
             var asDataColumns = UltraEdit.activeDocument.selection.split("«");
             // The last string is an empty string because of « at end of
             // first line and must be removed from array for that reason.
             // Number of characters in each line from beginning of the
             // line to beginning of identifier of current data column.
             var nCharCount = 0;
             // Current column in file at end of the currently
             // longest found data value of the current data column.
             var nEndDataColumn = 0;
             // Current maximum number of characters of the currently
             // longest found data value of the current data column.
             var nMaxColumnChars = 0;
             // Replace string for final data replace to align a data column.
             var sFinalDataReplace = "$1 $2 ";
             // Process this loop for all data columns in file.
             for (var nDataColumn = 0; nDataColumn < asDataColumns.length; nDataColumn++)
                // Get identifier string for current data column from the array.
                // That are the strings AM22», AM23», AM24», etc.
                var sIdentifier = asDataColumns[nDataColumn].replace(/^(AM\d+»).*$/,"$1");
                var sSearchExp = sIdentifier + "[^«\\r\\n]*«";
                // Find in file the longest data value with current identifier.
                while (UltraEdit.activeDocument.findReplace.find(sSearchExp))
                   nEndDataColumn = UltraEdit.activeDocument.currentColumnNum;
                   nMaxColumnChars = nEndDataColumn - nCharCount - sIdentifier.length - 1;
                   sSearchExp = sIdentifier + "[^«\\r\\n]{" + nMaxColumnChars +",}«";
                // Create a string consisting just of spaces with the number of
                // characters of longest data value with current identifier.
                nMaxColumnChars -= 1;
                var sSpaces = "";
                var nSpaceCount = nMaxColumnChars;
                while (nSpaceCount)
                   sSpaces += " ";
                // Move caret to top of file and append to all values of
                // current data column spaces according to longest data value.
                sSearchExp = "(" + sIdentifier + "[^«\\r\\n]*)«";
                UltraEdit.activeDocument.findReplace.replace(sSearchExp, "$1" + sSpaces + "«");
                // Truncate all data values of current data column according longest
                // data value and replace » and « by a space. On last data column
                // replace just » by a space and remove character « at end of line.
                sSearchExp = "(" + sIdentifier.substr(0,sIdentifier.length-1) + ")»(.{" + nMaxColumnChars + "}) *?«";
                if (nDataColumn == (asDataColumns.length - 1))
                   sFinalDataReplace = sFinalDataReplace.substr(0,sFinalDataReplace.length-1);
                UltraEdit.activeDocument.findReplace.replace(sSearchExp, sFinalDataReplace);
                nCharCount += sIdentifier.length + nMaxColumnChars + 1;
          if (UltraEdit.document.length > 0)  // Is any file opened?
             // Define environment for this script.
             if (typeof(UltraEdit.columnModeOff) == "function") UltraEdit.columnModeOff();
             else if (typeof(UltraEdit.activeDocument.columnModeOff) == "function") UltraEdit.activeDocument.columnModeOff();
             // Move caret to top of the active file.
          The script was tested with UltraEdit for Windows v22.20 and should work with all UltraEdit versions supporting scripts.

          I tested it on provided example data as well as a file with 220,000 lines and a file size greater than 16 MB.

          The number of data columns identified by AMx, with x being a digit in range 0 to 9 which can occur one or more times after AM, can vary from one to nearly unlimited. That was tested by adding two more data columns with AM7 and AM8 and running the script once on a file containing only AM1 at beginning of each line.

          It is verified that the active file on execution of the script does not contain the character « or the character » because of those two characters are used inside the script during execution for data alignment. A message box is displayed if active file contains one of these two characters being selected in this case in the file preventing data alignment by this script.

          It is also verified that at least one line starts case-sensitive with AMx as a minimal protection against running this script on wrong file. It is of course required that all lines start with same AMx and all lines have same amount of AMx in same order and no AMx exists twice on a line. But these requirements on data structure are not verified by the script.
          Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria