
auto-completion file (ACP)

auto-completion file (ACP)


    May 06, 2008#1

    Does UltraEdit have this capability?
    If so, how or where do you enable this? I can't find it.

    The help file said hit CTRL+Space to open autocomplete box in editor and it doesn't help at all.
    There are so many configuration options on here I am so lost right now.

    If anyone knows of an AutoComplete feature for xhtml, php, java - the syntax acp is only necessary for two latter - please follow up.


      May 06, 2008#2

      At "advanced, configuration, Editor display, syntax highlighting" you can edit your "wordfile".
      You can download additional wordfile-sections from ultraedit.com and add it to your existing wordfile.
      Up to 20 languages are supported. You can select manually via "view, View as..." how syntax is shown.
      Auto-complete takes the words from wordfile too.
      So all you need is there.
      In the online help search, just type "wordfile". It is explained there.

      rds Bego
      Normally using all newest english version incl. each hotfix. Win 10 64 bit

      Grand MasterGrand Master

        May 06, 2008#3

        At Advanced - Configuration - Word Wrap / Tab Settings you can specify an auto-complete file. This file is for files with the file extension shown in the drop down list above. So you can have for example an auto-complete file for files with extension c cpp h, a second one for files with the extension htm html, a third one for js files and a forth file for php files.

        Open also help of UltraEdit, select tab Index, enter or copy Auto Completion into the edit field and read the page with that title.

        In the auto-completion file you can specify not only words for completion, you can specify whole sentences or statements or expressions.
        Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria