
Binary data display with templates

Binary data display with templates


    Dec 10, 2008#1

    Is there a way to open a binary file in UE and then apply a binary structure template somehow such that UE will display the hex data in one pane and in another pane display the data broken up into each value? Something like this example:

    Hex Data Data Display
    ------------------------ ---------------------
    02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Data point 1: 0203
    Data point 2: 04
    Data point 2: 050607
    Data point 2: 0809



    I just found that 010 Editor has exactly what I'm talking about. It calls them 'binary templates' and a description of them can be found on their website here: http://www.sweetscape.com/010editor/. Does UE have anything like this?

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Dec 10, 2008#2

      Well, the editor you mention uses templates which are in real scripts which read and interpret the binary file and show the content in ASCII. You can do the same in UltraEdit with the script feature of UltraEdit. You just have to write a JavaScript script which reads the binary data of the active document and writes the interpreted data with additional text into a new text file which can be displayed at the same time. That depends only on your programming skills. Maybe you can use the "templates" of the "010 editor" as template for developing the scripts for UltraEdit.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Dec 10, 2008#3

        Alright, so nothing built in. I'll see if I can't come up with an engine to do this. If I get something that works well, I'll post it back here.
