
Bookmark remote / FTP folders !!

Bookmark remote / FTP folders !!


    Jan 25, 2006#1

    hello Everyone,

    I was wondering if there is a way to bookmark remote folders on the Open from FTP dialog ? If there is no such thing, any plans to have this in the future releases !!

    Thank you,
    VASU. :D


      Jan 25, 2006#2

      I'd appreciate such a feature too.

      Meanwhile, I use a perl-script that just prints the absolute filename (with complete path) in Unix. I then copy an paste it into the FTP-open dialog.
      (I am a lazy man).
      Another workaround was a freeware key-tool like autohotkey or shortcut (http://www.typer.de).
      there i press e.g. #d (shortcut for dir) and then a self-made "shortcut-combobox" opens and I can select a directory.

      rds Bego
      Normally using all newest english version incl. each hotfix. Win 10 64 bit

      Advanced UserAdvanced User

        Jan 25, 2006#3

        Hi VASU & Bego

        My work around was to setup different Accounts.
        They are all on the same server but point to different folders and in one case to a different filing system on the same box.

        Why this works well for me is I can pick which Account: from the open FTP window.

        And bookmarks would be nice.

        Basic UserBasic User

          Jan 26, 2006#4

          I stumbled upon this only yesterday:

          When you already have a file open that was loaded via FTP and the OUTPUT-window contains a filename on that FTP server, you can simply double-click the file and it is opened - via FTP.

          I'm not sure if this only works by accident or is a real feature.

          It definitely works with files stored on OpenVMS-systems. The filename, however, may not contain directory-portions, e.g. a VMS-spec like proj_root:[src]filename.c is not correctly recognized. Luckily this can be overcome by use of VMS-logical names (e.g. proj_src:filename.c)

          I did not test this on, say, a Linux-box. But it's worth a try.
          You could generate a user-tool that simply types the contents of a text-file, containing your favorite files. Have it's ouptut captured and sent to the output-window.


            Jan 27, 2006#5

            Thanks guys !! :D

            All the work-arounds sounds good. I like the multiple-accounts a lot.

            But any idea if this feature will be added in upcoming release of Ultraedit ?
