Bookmark viewer shows double entries with split window

Bookmark viewer shows double entries with split window


    Apr 22, 2020#1

    Why does the bookmark viewer show double entries for each bookmark? It seems like a poor use of space. I've tried setting and clearing "independent bookmarks for each split window" but it has no effect.
    2020-04-22_18-40-40.png (65.23KiB)

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Apr 23, 2020#2

      The Bookmark Viewer list shows always all bookmarks twice which are set on active file before splitting up the document window into two window panes independent on configuration setting Independent bookmarks for each split window to be able to jump with a double click on the upper bookmark to the bookmarked line/column in the upper document window pane and with a double click on lower bookmark to the bookmarked line/column in lower document window pane. It is not really advisable to list the bookmarks only once which were toggled on before splitting up the document window into two panes with showing in both panes the same lines immediately after document window split in the Bookmark Viewer list because this would mean a jump to a bookmark would be possible only for either the upper or the lower pane.

      For which pane should UltraEdit list the bookmarks set before splitting up the document window if it would list each existing bookmark only once after window split?

      One user could expect that the single listed bookmarks are for the upper pane because that pane shows currently lines of upper half of active file and the lower pane the lines of bottom half of active file while another user could expect the opposite because of the upper pane shows currently lines somewhere at bottom of active file and the lower pane shows some lines from top of active file. I prefer to edit C/C++ files always in upper pane and the lower pane shows the lines which I need to see on editing in upper pane. So the upper pane displays lines which are either above or below the lines currently displayed in the lower pane. On the other hand I use the upper pane to get displayed always the header line(s) at top of active file on editing a CSV file and the lower pane is used for viewing/editing the data lines below. So my usage of a split document window depends on which file is viewed/edited by me. There is no strict usage of upper pane for lines at top and lower pane for lines at bottom of file.

      A bookmark toggled on/off in either upper or lower document window pane results in getting the bookmark added/removed twice to/from the Bookmark Viewer list if the configuration setting Independent bookmarks for each split window is not enabled as by default at Advanced - Settings or Configuration - Editor - Bookmarks. This makes it possible for the user to jump either in upper or in lower pane to the bookmarked line/column depending on which one of double listed bookmark is double clicked by the user independent on which pane the user toggled on the bookmark.

      A bookmark toggled on/off in either upper or lower document window pane results in getting the bookmark added/removed only once to/from the Bookmark Viewer list if the configuration setting Independent bookmarks for each split window is enabled at Advanced - Settings or Configuration - Editor - Bookmarks. So for the only single listed bookmarks a double click on a bookmark in Bookmark Viewer list results in a jump to the bookmarked line/column in the pane the bookmarked was toggled on before.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Apr 23, 2020#3

        Thanks for the info Mofi.

        My assumption is that the bookmark viewer shows the bookmarks for the entire file, not each split window. Double-clicking a bookmark in the bookmark viewer would jump to the bookmark in whichever split window was active when the bookmark is double-clicked. 

        That's the way "Find" works, right? If you have a split window, you have to click in the window where you want to do the Find before clicking the "Next" or "Previous" buttons. I assumed bookmarks worked the same way. And as I said, the way it's implemented now uses up a lot of valuable vertical screen space.

        I only recently discovered bookmarks and wish I had known about the YEARS ago! They are perfect for navigating source code, e.g., bookmarking all the functions. I guess you can consider this end user feedback.