
C/C++ Auto-Indent change from 11.xx to 12.xx

C/C++ Auto-Indent change from 11.xx to 12.xx


    Dec 21, 2006#1

    Another annoying thing I've noticed about 12.xx is that the auto indentation for C/C++ is not working the same.

    In V11.xx, auto indentation used to format as follows.

    Code: Select all

        if( condition )
    In V12.xx, auto indentation does this.

    Code: Select all

        if( condition )
    What am I missing?

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Dec 21, 2006#2

      The question must be: What you have to remove?

      Click at Advanced - Configuration - Editor Display - Syntax Highlighting on the button Open to open the wordfile for syntax highlighting which I guess is the default wordfile.txt in the UltraEdit program directory.

      Close the configuration dialog with the button Cancel.

      In the wordfile set cursor to line 11 which contains the indent strings for language "C/C++".

      Remove the string "if" and maybe also "else" ":"

      The strings "if" and "else" are defined as indent strings by default for programmers which use a style like following example shows:

      Code: Select all

         if( Errorcount != 1 )
              printf("%d errors",Errorcount);
              printf("1 error");
      Not my style, but maybe the style of other C/C++ programmers.

      Hint: Save the modified standard wordfile with a new name and specify this new file in the configuration dialog to avoid problems with updates in future. There is always a special dialog during the installation about the wordfile update which you should read carefully next time.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Dec 21, 2006#3

        Yup. That fixed it.

        Hey, you guys are GREAT!!!

        Thank you !!