
C++ function strings troubles with namespaces

C++ function strings troubles with namespaces


    Sep 24, 2004#1

    Currently the best solution (provided by toddm):
    // Handles the case where Class:: is the type
    // type function name ( parameters or none
    /Function String = "[a-zA-Z_0-9*&]+[:]+^([a-zA-Z_0-9*&=<^~]+[ ^t]++[(]+[~;{]++)[~;{:]++^)[{=]+"
    // Handles the case where type on same line as function
    // type function name ( parameters or none
    /Function String 2 = "%[~(){} ^t^p#/]+[a-zA-Z_0-9*&<>: ^t]+[ ^t]+^([a-zA-Z_0-9*&=<>^~]+[ ^t]++([~(=;]+)[~()=;{]+^)[{=]+"
    // Handles the case where type on different line as function
    // type function name ( parameters or none
    /Function String 3 = "[a-zA-Z_0-9*&<>]+[ ^t]++[^p]+^([a-zA-Z_0-9*&=<^~]+[ ^t]++[(]+[a-zA-Z_0-9<>&* ^t,^p:/^[^]]++[)]+[ ^t^pa-zA-Z/]++^)[{=]+"
    ------------------ the question --------------------------

    Hallo All,

    Using UltraEdit 10.00c i have found, that C++ functions which uses namespace-decorated arguments or return values are not displayed correctly in function list.

    void a(x::x_s *p)
    { return; }

    void b(y::y_s *p)
    { return; }

    x::x_s *aptr(void)
    { return 0; }

    y::y_s *bptr(void)
    { return 0; }

    First, i was intended to write my own new "/Function string", but unfortunately all 6 possible was already busy with predefined functon strings for C++:

    /Function String = "%^([a-zA-Z_0-9^[^]*]+^)[ ^t]+([^p*&, ^t^[^]a-zA-Z_0-9.!]++)[~;]"
    /Function String 1 = "%[a-zA-Z_0-9*]*::^([a-zA-Z_0-9^~]+^)[ ^t^p]++([^p*&, ^t^[^]/*=:&a-zA-Z_0-9./(!]++)[~;]"
    /Function String 2 = "%[a-zA-Z_0-9^][a-zA-Z_0-9^[^]]+[ ^t*]+^([a-zA-Z_0-9]+^)[ ^t]++([^p*&, ^t^[^]a-zA-Z_0-9./(!]++)[~;]"
    /Function String 3 = "%[a-zA-Z_0-9*&$^[^]*]+[ ^t]+[a-zA-Z_0-9*&$^[^]]+[ ^t*]+^([a-zA-Z_0-9]+^)[ ^t]++([^p*&, ^t^[^]a-zA-Z_0-9./(!]++)[~;]"
    /Function String 4 = "%[a-z_0-9^[^]*]++ [a-z_0-9*^[^]]+[ ^t]++[a-z_0-9*^[^]]+[ ^t]++^([*a-z_0-9]+^)[ ^t]++([^p*&, ^t^[^]a-z_0-9./(!]++)[~;]"
    /Function String 5 = "%^([a-zA-Z_0-9^[^]*]+^)[ ^t]++([^p*&, ^t^[^]a-zA-Z_0-9./()!]++)[~;]"

    Modification of existing strings is relatively hard for me, because i'm not very familiar with regular expressions. Therefore i have tryed to use pattern like this:

    /Function String 5 = "%^([~(]+^)(*++^$FORCE_ULTRAEDIT_FUNCTION^$"

    to find any function wich is not compliant with predefined regular expressions (of course, in place of one of the existing patterns, so i probably loose some function recognition which was o.k before). But this task is more complicated, as i thought

    May be some regular expression Guru can say me which way is easier ? Modification of one of existing pattern to match my syntax or writting universal handler (and always use manual marker like $FORCE_ULTRAEDIT_FUNCTION$ for functions not displayed correctly) ? Some another ways to see functions a(), b(), aptr(), bptr() ?

    Thanks a lot for any help

    Advanced UserAdvanced User

      Sep 25, 2004#2

      Here are my function strings. They work for your functions a() and b(), but not for aptr() and bptr().

      I guess if you really invest some time in this, you could make them display all the functions. But I admit that this is not an easy job and it can be quite frustrating. One problem is that you never know which of your strings caught a specific function.

      Code: Select all

      /Function String =   "%[0-9a-zA-Z_^[^]^*&:<>]+[ ^t]+^([0-9a-zA-Z_]+[ ^t]++([0-9a-zA-Z_,:^[^]^*&/ <>]++)^)[~;]"
      /Function String 1 = "%[0-9a-zA-Z_]+[ ^t]++([0-9a-zA-Z_,^[^]^*&/ ]++)[~;]"
      /Function String 2 = "%[0-9a-zA-Z_^[^]^*&:]+[ ^t]+[0-9a-zA-Z_]+::^([0-9a-zA-Z_^[^]^+^-^*=/<>]+[ ^t]++([0-9a-zA-Z_,^*=&/:.^[^] ]++)^)[~;]"
      /Function String 3 = "%[0-9a-zA-Z_^[^]^*&]+::^([^~0-9a-zA-Z_]+[ ^t]++([0-9a-zA-Z_,^*&^:/ ]++)^)[~;]"
      /Function String 4 = "%[0-9a-zA-Z_^[^]^*&]+::^([^~0-9a-zA-Z_]+[ ^t]++([0-9a-zA-Z_,^*&^:/ ]++)^)[~;]"

      Advanced UserAdvanced User

        Sep 28, 2004#3

        I've been messing with the function strings off and on for a while and I believe the following are the best yet. I don't think every possible function can be caught with a simple expression, but these handle most including the functions in the first post.

        Code: Select all

        // Handles the case where Class:: is the type
        //                  type                 function name              (  parameters or none                
        /Function String = "[a-zA-Z_0-9*&]+[:]+^([a-zA-Z_0-9*&=<^~]+[ ^t]++[(]+[~;{]++)[~;{:]++^)[{=]+"
        // Handles the case where type on same line as function
        //                                    type                         function name              ( parameters or none              
        /Function String 2 = "%[~(){} ^t^p#/]+[a-zA-Z_0-9*&<>: ^t]+[ ^t]+^([a-zA-Z_0-9*&=<>^~]+[ ^t]++([~(=;]+)[~()=;{]+^)[{=]+"
        // Handles the case where type on different line as function
        //                    type                           function name              (  parameters or none              
        /Function String 3 = "[a-zA-Z_0-9*&<>]+[ ^t]++[^p]+^([a-zA-Z_0-9*&=<^~]+[ ^t]++[(]+[a-zA-Z_0-9<>&* ^t,^p:/^[^]]++[)]+[ ^t^pa-zA-Z/]++^)[{=]+"

          Sep 28, 2004#4

          Note that anytime you see a ^t in the above post there should be a space before it. Word wrapping messed it up.


            Sep 29, 2004#5

            I have tryed both versions - from Manni and from toddm.
            Strings from toddm are very well (at least for my coding style). They matches practically all my functions (thanks a lot !) - so i decide to place them in the first post of topic.

            What is interesting, that operators -, +, -=, += are not working, but >, >=, <, <= are matched very good:
            void a(x::x_s *p)
            { /*ok*/ return; }

            void b(y::y_s *p)
            { /*ok*/ return; }

            x::x_s *aptr(void)
            { /*ok*/ return 0; }

            y::y_s *bptr(void)
            { /*ok*/ return 0; }

            void c(y_s *p)
            { /*ok*/ return; }

            void d(x_s *p)
            { /*ok*/ return; }

            const x::x_s operator - (const x::x_s &left, const x::x_s &right)
            { return x::x_s (); }

            const x::x_s operator + (const x::x_s &left, const x::x_s &right)
            { return x::x_s (); }

            const x::x_s operator -= (const x::x_s &left, const x::x_s &right)
            { return x::x_s (); }

            const x::x_s operator += (const x::x_s &left, const x::x_s &right)
            { return x::x_s (); }

            bool operator == (const x::x_s &left, const x::x_s &right)
            { /*ok*/ return true; }

            bool operator > (const x::x_s &left, const x::x_s &right)
            { /*ok*/ return true; }

            bool operator >= (const x::x_s &left, const x::x_s &right)
            { /*ok*/ return true; }

            bool operator < (const x::x_s &left, const x::x_s &right)
            { /*ok*/ return true; }

            bool operator <= (const x::x_s &left, const x::x_s &right)
            { /*ok*/ return true; }
            Hopefully, i will find time to analyse what can be adjusted to match operators -, +, -=, +=. But even if not - im starting to use this function strings, because they are already pretty good.

            I have suggestion to all C++ programmers - to test function strings from toddm and report here all cases they not handle correctly.

            Advanced UserAdvanced User

              Sep 29, 2004#6

              Here's an update. Both of these new strings handle haron's new code. I'd try the first update first because it should handle more stuff.

              Code: Select all

              /Function String 2 = "%[~(){} ^t^p#/]+[a-zA-Z_0-9*&<>: ^t]+[ ^t]+^([a-zA-Z_0-9*&=<>^~^-^+]+[ ^t]++([~(=;]+)[~()=;{]+^)[{=]+"

              Code: Select all

              /Function String 2 = "%[~(){} ^t^p#/]+[a-zA-Z_0-9*&<>: ^t]+[ ^t]+^([~(){} ^t^p]+[ ^t]++([~(=;]+)[~()=;{]+^)[{=]+"
              I did find out something interesting about my function strings. if statements are reported as functions if they are left justified and I believe functions must be left justified. The only time this doesn't work for me is if a function is defined in a header file. My if statements always seem to be indented so I never noticed this before.

              Ultraedit really needs a say to omit keywords from the function strings, but I can't figure out how to make this work.