
Calling a script after compilation (with a twist)

Calling a script after compilation (with a twist)


    Jan 14, 2008#1

    Here's the thing: I run my build tool and after it is over, I want to call a script. If I call the tool from inside the script, UltraEdit locks, and the build process takes too much time, so it is not an option.

    Is there any other way to do that? I want to continue working in ultraedit while the project is compiling and automatically run the script after the compilation is over...



      Jan 14, 2008#2

      Just some thoughts. I haven't tried this myself, so no guarantee that it will work:

      The tool that starts the compile should accept whatever parameter (path) from UE. The tool should consist of a simple DOS BAT file, that starts another BAT (start acme.bat) and then ends returning focus to UE so you can continue working.

      This second BAT file invokes your compiler. Next it invokes UE from the command line with a script.

      And I think you need to run UE with the option Advanced - Configuration - Application layout - allow multiple instances set to make it work.

      If you decide to investigate this further, please drop some lines in this thread about this.


        Jan 14, 2008#3


        Thanks for the answer.

        Well.... calling the script worked, but it does not solve my problem.
        Here's what I found (I might be wrong, but I did a lot of testing):

        1) UltraEdit only calls the script correctly if in a new UltraEdit instance. Checking allow multiple instances works;

        2) The first argument must be a file to be opened. calling uedit32 /s=path does not work and the /s argument won't be interpreted correctly (it opens a file with the name "=path"). So it has to be

        uedit32 file /s=script

        3) Only one option can be passed in a single call. So even though /fni opens a file in a new instance, I can't specify /fni AND /s. Apparently that's why the only option is to check allow multiple instances.

        So... It seems to me that this "must be in other instant" issue is a bug.

        Besides, since I can't call the script in a different UE window and write something to the output of the old UE window (automatically I mean), this does not work for me.

        Anyone has other ideas? Or maybe I should just send a suggestion to the development team...

