
Can UE be linked to other help files?

Can UE be linked to other help files?


    Mar 21, 2005#1

    I apologize if this is not the correct forum for this question. In another post in another forum I came across the following:

    If you own a copy of the Microsoft MSDN library then you can install the visual C part of the help and then add VCCORE.HLP as a help file to UltraEdit. Then it is as simple as double-clicking the reserved word or standard function in your source file and hitting F1.

    Does anyone know if it is yet possible to perform this same help file integration with things other then C? For example for VB or SQL?


    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Mar 22, 2005#2

      Yes, this is language independent. You only need *.hlp or *.chm file(s) of your language which contains the help for the functions you need and add the file(s) to UEs help. See also help of UE about "Add Help Files".
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria