Can UltraCompare be run via batch?

Can UltraCompare be run via batch?


    Mar 11, 2020#1

    I found the below topic that gives really good info, but it is for UltraEdit.  Is there a way to run UltraCompare via batch?

    Batch file that runs UEdit on each file not working when scheduled task (solved)
    Please let me know.

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Mar 11, 2020#2

      Yes, this is possible. The available command line options are explained in help of UltraCompare on the page with title Command Line Options which can be found on the first help tab Contents in first list Getting Started.

      It is possible to run directly from within a batch file uc.exe (Windows GUI version) with the parameters or which starts uc.exe and after termination of the GUI version outputs the results to console respectively the standard output stream of Windows command processor processing the batch file. It is also possible to run uc.exe by using command start for example with

      start "UC Text Compare" /wait /min "%ProgramFiles%\IDM Computer Solutions\UltraCompare\uc.exe" -t ...

      This results in running Windows GUI version of UltraCompare with minimized window while UltraCompare runs with window settings as on last exit on omitting start "UC Text Compare" /wait /min.

      So there are three different methods to run UltraCompare from within a batch file and which one is best depends on your task.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Mar 11, 2020#3

        Thanks very much Mofi.  I'll give it a try and let you know the results.