
Can UltraEdit-32 (or another flavor) run under Red Hat Linux

Can UltraEdit-32 (or another flavor) run under Red Hat Linux


    Jan 19, 2006#1

    Can UltraEdit-32 (or another flavor) run under Red Hat Linux?

    Thank you!


      Jan 26, 2006#2

      Can UltraEdit-32 (or another flavor) run under Red Hat Linux?
      Yes, UltraEdit can run under Linux using wine. (I'm using the Crossover Office version of wine). Be forewarned that it's about 95% functional (which is still pretty darn good).

      There are probably other options, also; this one just happens to work for me.

      I haven't been able to get the version 11 to install using wine (the installer dies) but, if you install version 11 on a Windows machine, then copy the UltraEdit directory and its contents (in my case, c:\Program Files\UltraEdit-32\) to your wine "fake windows" directory (again, in my case, /home/tom/.cxoffice/dotwine/fake_windows/Program Files/IDM Computer Solutions/UltraEdit-32/), it should work.

      To start UltraEdit, I have a desktop shortcut/icon which uses this command line to invoke UltraEdit "/home/tom/cxoffice/bin/wine" --workdir "C://Program Files//IDM Computer Solutions//UltraEdit-32" --check --bottle dotwine --cx-app "C:////Program Files////IDM Computer Solutions////UltraEdit-32////uedit32.exe"

      Sacrificing sheep is also rumored to help (but I haven't needed to do this).

      -- Tom