
Capture Output in Real Time

Capture Output in Real Time


    Oct 09, 2004#1

    Is there any way to have output from Tools show up in the output window while the tool is still running? I have a Perl script that I use to do a complicated compile process and the major downfall of adding this to UltraEdit's project tool is that I have to wait for the script to complete before the output is displayed in the output window. Thanks for the info.

    Advanced UserAdvanced User

      Oct 11, 2004#2

      Have you tried checking "Show DOS Box"? I believe that should show the real time output in a DOS window.

      Basic UserBasic User

        Jan 14, 2005#3

        I've got the same problem (tho I'm using Ruby rather than perl) & I'm finding that showing the DOS box does *not* help. The box is empty until my script finishes running, and then the output gets flushed to the box, immediately after which it disappears.

        Hmmm... Maybe I need to call .flush on the stdout stream or something...

        Yup--that does it:


        That's a pain, but I guess I can redefine Kernal#puts so it flushes after each call...


          Jan 14, 2005#4

          Right now, I use the "Show DOS Box" thing because I have to. I have STDOUT autoflush by using a perl command inside my Perl script so that's not a problem for me. It's just annoying to have to have the seperate box is all while other program can display right in the output window in real time. I posted this capability on the New Features section and they said that they were looking into it so that's good.