Changing default background colour

Changing default background colour


    Jan 18, 2005#1

    I'm wondering if it is possible to set the default background and foreground colours for reading all files. I know how to do it for certain syntax highlighting schemes, but I would like to change it for all files by default. Is this possible? And if so, how do I go about changing it? Thanks.

    Advanced UserAdvanced User

      Jan 18, 2005#2

      Hi rearden888

      Go to the View pull down menu
      About half way down is Set Color...

      Every color setting is on this page!
      I think you want Background

      Have fun playing, just remember there is a Use Defaults button, you never know when you might need that :D

      Good Luck


        Jan 19, 2005#3

        Thanks, that's what I was looking for. Got stuck looking in Configuration. :lol:


          Jan 06, 2014#4

          I'm trying to do the same, but it's now 2014 and this option is no longer under View. Could someone point me in the right direction.


          Grand MasterGrand Master

            Jan 06, 2014#5

            Nearly all color settings can be customized since UE v20.00 at View - Themes - Manage Themes. The standard colors for the document window area are available for customization on tab Editor. List item Plain Text is for foreground and background color of normal, not syntax highlighted text.

            Hint: Before starting color customization, it might be worth to select one of the other themes installed with UltraEdit or download, add and use one of the customer made themes like those available on Downloads - Extras - Themes or the Sublime Theme for UltraEdit. Perhaps one of them results in a display exactly as wanted.
            Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


              Jun 29, 2014#6

              I'm on UEx on Ubuntu Linux, UEx is 4.2.05.

              I don't see a Themes entry in the View menu at all.

              Is it elsewhere or is it not in the Linux version?

              Grand MasterGrand Master

                Jun 30, 2014#7

                I'm not using UEX, but I suppose in UEX the color settings for editor display are still at View - Set Colors as MrBillG wrote for UltraEdit for Windows with a version < 20.00.
                Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


                  Jul 04, 2014#8

                  Yes, you're right. Thanks a lot.

                  Basic UserBasic User

                    Oct 28, 2019#9

                    I have version 26.20 in 2019 and I can find no way to change colors under View or in Advanced > Settings. Can someone please help? I like black text against a light gray background in all panes and panels, and I can find no way to achieve this. I suppose I can find and edit the UE configuration file, but I'd rather use a nicer interface for customization. My default language is "No Highlighting", but I want the same light gray background for all programming languages, even ones I define.

                    Update 1: I found Layout > Themes > Manage themes. It seems to include color customizations in addition to theme choice. (I'm choosing  the Classic theme because I don't have the time to try out every theme available.)

                    Update 2: I've got my light gray editor background. Now, how do I change the background of the other panes, like File View, the Line Number column, popup dialog boxes, and the File Tabs background?

                    Grand MasterGrand Master

                      Oct 28, 2019#10

                      It takes less than one minute to select one pre-installed theme after the other on ribbon tab Layout in pop-up menu of Themes on using ribbon mode or with toolbar/menu mode with contemporary menus in menu Layout in submenu Themes or with toolbar/menu mode with traditional menus in menu View in submenu Themes to find out which one is nearest to personal requirements.

                      The Classic theme is the only theme where the items on tab Application in Manage Themes dialog are not customizable, but predefined by Microsoft in the library used by UltraEdit. In all other themes nearly everything is customizable.

                      See also:
                      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria