
    Sep 29, 2010#16

    I can confirm that the problem with display of bold Consolas font keywords still exists in UltraEdit version (on Windows XP Pro SP3). It's pretty ridiculous because no other application has a font display problem like this.

    - Britt


      Oct 05, 2010#17

      Interestingly enough, if you set UE to use Consolas Bold as the base font, the built-in bold version of Consolas displays just fine, and only the "bolded" keywords are messed up (see screencast). It would seem, then, that UE is not using the built-in Consolas Bold font to display bolded keywords, but is using some other routine to emulate bolded text. I've suggest to IDM that they use the built-in bold version of a font when it is available.

      Using the true bolded version of a font might even make it easier for IDM to support bolded syntax on the printer. If you choose a bold font for the default text, the whole listing prints in bold...but if you use a normal base font with bolding defined in the syntax only, nothing on the hardcopy is bolded. If IDM were to implement the true bold version of the font in the editor, it might just put them a step or two closer to sending the bold fomatting to the printer.


        Oct 05, 2010#18

        I think you are right. I had not thought to try Consolas bold as the base font. Seems IDM has put no effort into trying to fix this since it was reported.



          Oct 05, 2010#19

          britt wrote:Seems IDM has put no effort into trying to fix this since it was reported.
          Was this specific problem ever reported to IDM? I don't think so. This is a user-to-user forum. While the Consolas font was addressed in this thread back in May 2009 there is no mention of any user raising the issue with IDM. I did report this to IDM yesterday and they specifically stated that it was the first they had heard of it; they were able to duplicated it; and they will look into it.


            Oct 06, 2010#20

            Yes, I reported it to [email protected] about the same time as, or shortly after, my original post to this forum (May 2009). I got a reply from someone saying they would look into it. We exchanged one more email after that but I no longer have copies.

            - Britt


              Oct 06, 2010#21

              FYI - I got an email from IDM today saying this issue has been addressed and they expect it to be included in a hotfix coming up soon.


                Dec 03, 2010#22

                I never saw a hotfix release, but UE version was released today. I just installed it and confirmed that bold Consolas font keywords now display correctly.

                - Britt

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