
Code folding display - not very obvious

Code folding display - not very obvious


    Jul 11, 2005#1

    Hi there, I haven't been doing too much php programming for a while which I guess is why it's taken me this long to notice. Take a look at the screenshot below and tell me what you think. I don't know about you, but when I'm looking at pages after pages of code in that format, it really starts to look as though there's nothing in that block, and as a result, I've already deleted blocks like that without realizing that there was something in them.

    Long story short, there has to be a way of making folded sections of code much more obvious then the tiny + - signs that look the same anyway. Just spent half an hour rewriting sections of code that I mistakenly deleted because of this kind of formatting. Different color, some special block that is placed instead of the folded code (like in Visual Studio .NET). Anything at all, cause this is a major pain right now.

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Jul 11, 2005#2

      I don't have a problem with the method used for marking folded blocks. I think, because I have set good colors, font sizes and have disabled the line number on left side. The line number is also shown at the status bar, so I don't need an extra line number gutter. And the totally different color for the fold gutter is really helpful.

      For example my color settings:


      Code: Select all

      Color index table for Colors=
      Index   v10.10c                 v11.10a
       0,1    Background              Background
       2,3    Bookmarks               Bookmarks
       4,5    Text                    Text
       6,7    Selected Text           Selected Text
       8,9    Sel. Text Background    Sel. Text Background
      10,11   Line/Col Background     Line/Col Background
      12,13   Line/Col Text           Line/Col Text
      14,15   Active Line             Active Line
      16,17   Active Line Background  Active Line Background
      18,19   Column Markers          Column Markers
      20,21                           Brace Highlight
      22,23                           Folding Background
      First number can only have the values 0 or 1. 0 is for default, 1 for custom
      color. If first number is 0, second number is also 0. If first number is 1,
      second number is the RGB value.
      Update on 2006-03-01:
      Since UEStudio 5.10+1 and probable v12.00 of UltraEdit 2 new color settings are available:

      24,25  Text color for Workspace Manager / Output Window
      26,27  Background color for Workspace Manager / Output Window

        Jul 29, 2005#3

        I posted the Colors= setting here, because I didn't make a screenshot and it is the quickest method to edit the colors in the INI to try an other style set. But I have forgotten to add, that the setting is stored at section [Settings].

        These colors can also be specified in menu View - Set Colors. No need to edit it in the INI directly.

        Custom Colors= is unfortunately only a temporary buffer for the custom colors, which can be created during color selection at the View - Set Colors dialog. The custom colors are unfortunately lost, when opening the Advanced - Configuration dialog and the View - Set Colors dialog was not opened before.
        Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


          Dec 03, 2005#4

          newbie wrote:In my other editor there is a horizontal line under each folded code segment. Maybe a future feature for UltraEdit? :D
          I agree. Some other editor I used (I forgot which, I tried so many before choosing UltraEdit) showed a horizontal line all the way across the screen whenever you folded code. It doesn't take up any extra space and it helps you to not delete a block of hidden code. Consider this a feature request.