Hello all,
I am hoping this is the right forum for this question.. I seem to think it is related to the wordfile and syntax highlighting..
Anyway, i am frustrated with how erratic and essentially unusable the code folding feature is for my ColdFusion files. On extremely simple stuff it works, but even if it gets just a little more complex, code folding completely falls apart and acts totally bizarre.
Here is a good example of code that never code folds right. I have also put my coldfusion wordfile up on my website at http://reubenavery.freepgs.com/coldfusion_wordfile.txt
thanks for any help!
I am hoping this is the right forum for this question.. I seem to think it is related to the wordfile and syntax highlighting..
Anyway, i am frustrated with how erratic and essentially unusable the code folding feature is for my ColdFusion files. On extremely simple stuff it works, but even if it gets just a little more complex, code folding completely falls apart and acts totally bizarre.
Here is a good example of code that never code folds right. I have also put my coldfusion wordfile up on my website at http://reubenavery.freepgs.com/coldfusion_wordfile.txt
thanks for any help!
Code: Select all
<cffunction name="drawPageFooter">
<cfif not isDate(request.launchEndTime)><cfset request.launchEndTime = now() /></cfif>
<cfif StructKeyExists(request, 'debugMsgs') and IsArray(request.debugMsgs) and ArrayLen(request.debugMsgs)>
<!--- The request.debugMsgs array holds misc errors and messages generated here and within CFC's --->
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#ArrayLen(request.debugMsgs)#">
<div id="footer">
job run began
#DateFormat(request.launchStartTime, 'm/dd/yy')# #TimeFormat(request.launchStartTime, 'HH:mm:ss')#,
finished #TimeFormat(request.launchEndTime, 'HH:mm:ss')#
(elapsed time #DateDiff('s', request.launchStartTime, request.launchEndTime)# secs)