
Color/Colour Tool Recommendation

Color/Colour Tool Recommendation

Basic UserBasic User

    Dec 17, 2004#1

    The Insert Color functionality of UE does the job very well. We use a set of specific colors for our Web applications, and I'd like to be able to store and retrieve these color definitions without having to remember which color is which hex value. The color utility in HomeSite has the ability to store custom colors - which saves a lot of time and improves accuracy.

    Can anyone recommend an external color picker/selector (that works with hex values) to use as a tool? I don't have any problems setting up the tools, I just need a good tool recommendation.

    Thanks in advance!


    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Dec 18, 2004#2

      Why do you not define the hex values of your colors as templates with good template names. Then you could simply add the color with the shortcut keys for the templates or via the template list (view - view/lists-template list). You can also add your color templates to a toolbar.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

      Basic UserBasic User

        Dec 20, 2004#3

        Thanks, Mofi. I never thought of doing it that way. I guess that's what I get for using solely one or two pieces of development software. Thanks again!

        Best of the season!
