Color defined for theme item "Drop-down menu text (disabled)" not used for disabled menu items

Color defined for theme item "Drop-down menu text (disabled)" not used for disabled menu items


    Jan 06, 2021#1

    UE Version:

    I would like to adjust the color of the menu options that are disabled in the picture below. I have gone to: "View -> Themes -> Manage Themes...", then "Set styles for: Menus", and adjusted "Drop-down menu text (disabled)". But it does not affect the text pictured below. I have tried adjusting colors for a great number of these options but none seem to affect the disabled menu text options. Does anybody know the correct setting I should be adjusting?

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Jan 07, 2021#2

      Drop-down menu text (disabled) is the correct item to change the text color of disabled menu items up to UltraEdit for Windows v22.20, except for theme Classic which does not allow setting the styles for application window.

      But as I found out today this color setting has no effect anymore on text color of disabled menu items since UltraEdit for Windows v23.00. The Windows window color setting for Disabled Item defines the text color for disabled menu items in UltraEdit. This is in my opinion a bug in UltraEdit or the Microsoft GUI library used by UltraEdit which should be reported to IDM support by email.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Jan 07, 2021#3

        Thank you very much Mofi. I went ahead and copied your message and sent it to IDM support by email. I couldn't find a better path to report a bug.

        ----- UPDATE -----
        IDM has responded to my email: 
        "Thank you for your message.  We have reproduced this as it has been reported to us this morning by Mofi.  I have asked our developers to investigate this to see what we can do to restore this functionality.  This hasn't work as you expect it to since we implemented the ribbon interface in UltraEdit back in 2016.  I'll be sure to let you know when we have an updated build of UltraEdit that we believe resolves this issue."