
Comments in wordfile.txt..... How?

Comments in wordfile.txt..... How?


    Nov 17, 2005#1

    Trying out UE32. Couldn't find this in help or forum search:

    :?: How are comments indicated in wordfile.txt? Or are they allowed?

    To be clear: I mean comment lines ignored when UE loads wordfile.txt; not refering to comments in languages described in wordfile.txt.


    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Nov 18, 2005#2

      Comments in the word file are simply not possible. If you want comments, create a copy of your wordfile and add the comments there. Use a syntax for your comments which allows you with a single and simple regular expression replace to remove all your comments, so you can easily produce the really used wordfile from the file with comments.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

      Advanced UserAdvanced User

        Nov 18, 2005#3

        Comments are possible with "//". I commented my C++ function list like this and it works fine.


          Re: Comments in wordfile.txt..... Undocumented feature

          Nov 18, 2005#4

          Thanks for the help.
          Based on a quick test "//" did seem to work ok to comment lines in my wordfile. It may be an undocumented feature.

          I commented 1 and changed 1 line:

          and indeed in "Advanced/Config/Syntax Highlighting" the Color Group list for the language changed from "Operators" to "Oper-xx-ators" things seemed to work okay.

          I'm a big fan of commenting and was surprised not to find the wordfile.txt commented. Actually, it'd be nice to be able to define syntax highilghting for wordfile.txt! I'll drop a note to UE & suggest they document the feature if it's safe to use. Less hassle than the good workaround suggested by Mofi.

          (btw Mofi, I spent a several weeks last year in Germany & Austria--stayed in Reutte & nearby for a while and what a beautiful area that is! My first visit since the borders were made "nonstop"...really cool to be able to zip back and forth so easily.)

            Nov 19, 2005#5

            The Comment info from the UE folks:

            "//" isn't really officially a comment for the wordfile, but it essentially works out this way when the wordfile is parsed. I'd have to check with the developers to see if I should clearly indicate this in the Help files, but in practice you would be correct to consider it as such in the wordfile. We use "//" when testing function strings in the wordfile, i.e., //Function String = "foo" will not be executed while /Function String = "foo" will.

            Power UserPower User

              Re: Comments in wordfile.txt..... Undocumented feature

              Nov 21, 2005#6

              marlow wrote:It'd be nice to be able to define syntax highilghting for wordfile.txt!
              You can, of course. http://www.ultraedit.com/files/wf/wordfiles.uew

              Though I prefer my own version:

              Code: Select all

              /L20"UltraEdit Wordfile" Escape Char = ^ Noquote File Extensions = UWF
              /Function String = "%/L[0-9]+^"^(*^)^""
              Block Brace
              Char Chars Characters Close Comment
              Escape Extensions
              File Fold Function
              Ignore Indent
              Nocase Noquote Num
              On Off Open
              String Strings SOL
              C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8
              L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 L17 L18 L19 L20


                Nov 22, 2005#7

                Hi mjcarman,

                n1, dude :idea:
                Also renaming the wordfile.txt to .uwf is a good idea to tell UE not to interpret the wordfile with "wrong" txt-Syntax-checking and manipulation (big/small letter conversion).

                rds Bego :D
                Normally using all newest english version incl. each hotfix. Win 10 64 bit

                Basic UserBasic User

                  Feb 07, 2006#8

                  Hi all,

                  I personnally use the # symbol as comment
                  marker in the wordfile.txt. It seems to work until now (at least with
                  version 11.10a+4).

                  Code: Select all

                  /L10"VHDL" Line Comment = -- Nocase String Chars = " File Extensions = VHD VHO
                  /Delimiters = ,; (	)'<>=:+-/*|&
                  /Indent Strings = "begin" "else" "generate" "is" "loop" "then"
                  /Unindent Strings = "begin" "else" "elsif" "end"
                  /Function String = "%^([ ^t]++[A-Z][A-Z_0-9]+^)[ ^t]++:[ ^t]++block"
                  /Close Brace Strings = ")"
                  #/Function String = "%[ ^t]++^([A-Z][A-Z_0-9]+[ ^t]++:[ ^t]++^{block^}^{process^}^)"
                  #/Function String 1 = "%[ ^t]++^([A-Z][A-Z_0-9]+[ ^t]++:[ ^t]++process[ ^t]++(*)^)"
                  /C1"VHDL reserved words"
                  Regards from Switzerland.
                  Never forget: "Above the clouds, The sky is blue and the sun shine"