Compare of local version with version in SVN not working as expected (fixed)

Compare of local version with version in SVN not working as expected (fixed)

Basic UserBasic User

    Jul 08, 2015#1

    SVN Compare doesn't work as expected and does not indicate about changes on remote state (repo).

    So, for example, I make changes from my home computer, I do not see that from my work computer.

    UES only indicate about local changes :(

    Update and Commit commands run correctly.

    I have checked with different SVN clients - same result.

    So, I think if I have problem with SVN - also others will have same issues.

    If anybody works with SVN without any issues, please let me know.

    Best Regards.
    SVN.PNG (5.11KiB)

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Nov 09, 2015#2

      UEStudio latest changes page lists for UEStudio v15.30:
      • Several improvements to SVN integration
      I asked IDM support by email if those improvements could fix the issue reported here, too. I got the response that changes were made that addressed issues with the SVN Compare option.

      dibor, would you please update to UES v15.30, verify if those changes fix this issue and let us know about the results.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

      Basic UserBasic User

        Nov 11, 2015#3

        Yes, in latest update, fixed SVN "Compare" issue.
        Also thanks to IDM for 64-bit version of UES. (Works faster!)

        Best Regards.

          Dec 16, 2015#4

          Hello all.
          Yes, few bugs has been fixed, but version control is not relevant if I have not alerted when I have newer version on the repo.
          UES only indicate about local changes :(
          Impossible team work, every one see only local changes :!:
          Still working as crazy with SmartSVN and UES :twisted:

          Anybody else use SVN with UES ?
          Any experience?