
Compiler configuration example for NSIS

Compiler configuration example for NSIS

Basic UserBasic User

    Feb 21, 2009#1

    Here is a compiler example for NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System) using ".\build" as default - destination directory where the .exe is/should be created:

    # ---------- NSIS configuration ----------
    # --- general --------------------------------------
    # $P - project name
    # $Pp - path to project directory
    # $Pn - project name
    # --- compile --------------------------------------
    # $I - input full name
    # $Ip - input path
    # $In - input name
    # $Ie - input extension
    # $O - output file
    # $Op - path to output file
    # $On - output filename (without path)
    # $Oe - output extension
    # $R - release/debug setting for compiler
    # --- build ----------------------------------------
    # $T - target full name
    # $Tp - target path
    # $Tn - target name
    # $O - output file
    # $Op - path to output file
    # $On - output filename (without path)
    # $Oe - output extension
    # $R - release/debug setting for linker

    Target =
    Working Directory = $Pp\Build
    Compiler = makensis.exe

    Target = Zieldateiname


    TargetExt = .EXE
    ReleaseOut = Release
    DebugOut = Debug
    UseFullPaths = 1
    UseDosNames = 1

    run = Execute Application

    [Execute Application]

    Title = Execute $T
    Cmd0 = $(Working Directory)\$T
    Depends = $T
    ShowWindow = 1
    DisplayConsole = 0

    FGO = .nsi;

    FGO = %s

    Out = $T
    Depends = $FGO
    Cmd0 = $(Compiler) $FGO

    Out = $In.exe
    Depends = $I
    Cmd0 = $(Compiler) $I


      Oct 11, 2009#2

      There is now a better project available in the internet for NSIS implementation:

      It is called "EclipseNSIS".
      Check it out!
      Using UE + UC (German Editions) + Windows XP + Windows 7 Ultimate