Completion (CTRL-Space) does not work correctly

Completion (CTRL-Space) does not work correctly


    Apr 18, 2005#1

    I am using UEdit 11.00a+ and the completion (CTRL-Space) does not work accoding to the help pages.

    The only completion with CTRL-Space which I get are language keywords, but not words contained above the current line, nor functions names as explained in the help.

    I can remember that als that stuff did work some time ago, but I do not known what I have changed in the settings in the meantime. Actually there is no further configuration, I am right?

    Does anybody have suggestions?


    Advanced UserAdvanced User

      Apr 18, 2005#2

      Hi Spach

      I'm not going to answer your question.
      I'm going to suggest upgrading to version 11.10, which will show up as 11.10+1

      Version 11. has been... a interesting release.
      Here is the history of things fixed and enhancements.

      Code: Select all

      v11.10   - New Icons
               - Clipboard conversion on paste, UNIX/MAC/DOS line endings
               - Enhanced "Save As" dialog
               - Replace in project files
               - Check for Updates capability
               - Auto-detect Unicode(UTF-16) files without BOM
      v11.00b  - Fix for Toolbar configuration save and load from INI file
               - Fixed cursor positioning when toggling into HEX mode 
               - Added new INI option for windows font: Extra Windows Font=Font Name (Default: Extra Windows Font=Tahoma)
               - Added new INI option for windows font size: Extra Windows Font Height=Font Size (Default: Extra Windows Font Height=13)
               - Added new INI option for file tab font: TAB Windows Font=Font Name (Default: TAB Windows Font=Tahoma)
               - Added new INI option for file tab font size: TAB Windows Font Height=Font Size (Default: TAB Windows Font Height=13)
               - Added "Use Check Marks on Menus" conguration for blind users
               - Fix for crash in Find in Files
               - Fix for crash while attempting to add invalid words to spell checker word list
               - Fix for Find in Files when searching Open Files and files are UTF-8/UTF-16
               - Fix for replace in files for open files when files are UTF-8/UTF-16
               - Fix for replace in all open files when files are UTF-8/UTF-16
               - Project settings dialog now shows complete path
               - Quick search toolbar entry now works if on multiple toolbars at once
               - Auto-complete fixes
               - FTP/SFTP bug fixes, including crash, and correctly reloading remote file
               - Fixes for automatic outdenting in Perl
               - Win 9x startup issue with ueres.dll
               - Crash with split windows and delete
               - Many changes for multi-language files with syntax highlighting, folding and indenting
               - File tree view sort now includes path
               - Project file fixes
               - Added capability to change size (length) of that search window in toolbar by double-clicking on the find combobox item in toolbar customization window
               - Fixed line number being chopped with some fonts
               - Many other minor issues
      As you can see " Auto-complete fixes" was fixed in 11.00b.

      Good Luck


        Apr 22, 2005#3

        Thanks a lot, I upgraded to 11.10+1 and the auto-completion works again.