I want to use REGEX to modify text strings that identify photos to produce HTML code to display the photos. Some of the identifying strings contain apostrophes and need to be escaped in the HTML code with \. I have REGEX search and replace functions that work in EditPad and also on the regex101.com site, but I can't get to work with UEStudio.
Examples of text to be searched and modified:
REGEX search: ^~(\w*)(')*(.*)~(.*)~(.*)
REGEX replace: '<figure><img src="$5" width="100%">$1${2:+\\':}$3 $4</figure>',
Expected result but doesn't work in UEStudio:
What am I doing wrong in UEStudio?
Windows 10
UEStudio '15 Development Environment (x64)
Perl engine
Examples of text to be searched and modified:
Code: Select all
~Photos caption~(Jun, 2020)~Photo1.jpg
~Photo's caption~(Jun, 2020)~Photo2.jpg
REGEX replace: '<figure><img src="$5" width="100%">$1${2:+\\':}$3 $4</figure>',
Expected result but doesn't work in UEStudio:
Code: Select all
'<figure><img src="Photo1.jpg" width="100%">Photos caption (Jun, 2020)</figure>',
'<figure><img src="Photo2.jpg" width="100%">Photo\'s caption (Jun, 2020)</figure>',
Windows 10
UEStudio '15 Development Environment (x64)
Perl engine