
Cursor blinks off position when using proportional fonts

Cursor blinks off position when using proportional fonts

Basic UserBasic User

    Oct 04, 2007#1

    I deal mostly with UTF-8 encoded texts, which I have to display in a proportional font (e.g. Gentium). In this environment the blinking cursor moves faster than the acual text inserting position. Already in column 30 or so the cursor blinks an "i"-length more to the right as where it actually writes. When I move the cursor further left in the line, the mismatch between cursor blinking position and actual writing position adds up. (It adds even more up if I work in unwrapped lines. In column 3000 or so, the cursor is misplaced by half the monitor width!).

    I use UE 32 13.10a+2 in Windows XP Professional SP2, with Cleartype font smoothing. The UE configuration setting where I can tick something that may improve issues with cleartype in WinXP does not have any significant effect on this bahaviour - even if I restart UE after changing the setting)

    I uploaded a sample screenshot.

    There the cursor blinks between the last "n" and "g", but the text gets inserted after the selected "r" (The cursor was one position back, blinking about in the middle of the "n" then I pressed Shift and moved it one position further right. the "r" has been selected".

    This makes it practically impossible to work with text files displayed with proportional font, which I need to see the correct unicode characters.
    wrong_cursor_position.png (24.06KiB)

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Oct 04, 2007#2

      Have you also tried various font quality settings?

      Have you also tried if this effect also exist when ClearType is disabled?

      Have you used the ClearType Tuner of Microsoft? I have posted a link to the online version at ClearType fonts.

      In my point of view ClearType makes fonts blurred and more difficult to read because of the anti-aliasing shadows than without it. That's why I have not enabled ClearType and so I can't help you further.

      Update: IDM continously improved display of text with proportional fonts and mixed font styles resulting in UE v18.00 in a full support for proportional fonts which means according to list of changes:
      • Corrected caret positioning issues with fonts that are not fixed-width
      • Improved syntax highlighting for fonts that are not fixed-width

      Basic UserBasic User

        Oct 04, 2007#3

        Mofi wrote:Have you also tried various font quality settings?
        Now I tested: It is the same behaviour no matter if default or best font quality.
        Mofi wrote:Have you also tried if this effect also exist when ClearType is disabled?
        Now I have. With ClearType disabled, no font smoothing at all, and still the cursor is misplaced. I did another schreenshot, where I am in column 2857, the cursor is way much off possition.
        Mofi wrote:Have you used the ClearType Tuner of Microsoft? I have posted a link to the online version at ClearType fonts.
        No, I haven't because Cleartype does not seem to make the trouble. As you can see the issue is there even with no font smoothing at all.
        Mofi wrote:In my point of view ClearType makes fonts blurred and more difficult to read because of the anti-aliasing shadows than without it.
        Let it be a matter of personal taste. I am used to smooth fonts on Macs, and I work in very high screen resolution with bigger than standard fonts if I can. Therefore I prefer ClearType to the Standard font smoothing and that to no font smoothing. I admit Cleartype looks not so pretty on LCDs fed by the analog VGA cable. You need DVI it is a huge difference.
        wrong_cursor_position_noct.png (23.03KiB)

          Jan 29, 2008#4

          I updated UE to 13.20a+1. I realized that the problem is not the characters themselves. I can write gazillions of characters with or without linebreak and cursor will always show up at its proper position where new text gets inserted. No matter whether UTF-8 or ASCII. What the problem is is the blank spaces between words. And of problem they are only if they are displayed using certain proportional fonts. And I am used to have displayed all nonprintable characters. As soon as I switch off View/Show Spaces, Tabs... The text gets rearranged.

          The problem appear to be related to the font. It does not happen with Arial Unicode MS, Times New Roman or Verdana (further ok fonts are Arial, Arial Black, Bodoni MT, Bodoni MT Poster Compressed, Bookman Old Style, Haettenschweiler, Lucida Console, MS Sans Serif, Palatino Linotype, Goudy Old Style, ...)

          Display gets messy with Arial Narrow, Arial Rounded MT Bold, Tahoma, Bodoni MT Black, Bodoni MT Condensed, Century Gothic, Century Schoolbook, Comic Sans MS, Garamond, Georgia, Gentium, Impact, Lucida Sans Unicode, Microsoft Sans Serif (not MS Sans Serif!), Tahoma, Wingdings, Trebuchet MS, ...

          It's about half the fonts. Interestingly, even one font family like Arial behaves differently. Arial Black is rendered ok but Arial Narrow is not.