Date time formats incorrect on execution of Insert Date/Time (solved)

Date time formats incorrect on execution of Insert Date/Time (solved)


    Feb 16, 2016#1

    In the previous versions of UE for OS X my system preferences for date/time formats were used when using the shortcut 'Fn F7' key combo:

    Previous version: 2016-01-06 13:57:10
    Latest version: 01/06/2016 1:57:10 PM

    I prefer international date format and 24 hour time (previous version) not that in Mac UE (latest version).

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Feb 17, 2016#2

      I suggest to report this issue to IDM support by email, see top of this page with email us directly.

      I'm not using UEM nor do I have a Mac. So what I suggest next is from UltraEdit for Windows and I don't know if UEM supports this as well.

      In UltraEdit for Windows it is possible to create a global template with content:

      Code: Select all

      [DATE_USER]yyyy'-'MM'-'dd[DATE_USER_END] [TIME_USER]HH':'mm':'ss[TIME_USER_END]
      This template inserts the current date and time in international date/time format independent on local date/time format settings of the OS.

      In Key Mapping configuration dialog a hotkey can be assigned to command InsertTemplateX. This makes it possible to quickly insert the current date/time in international format with pressing the assigned hotkey. Templates can be used also from within an UltraEdit macro or script.

      Please let me know if using a template for inserting current date and time in international format is possible also in UltraEdit for Mac.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Feb 25, 2016#3

        Hello Mofi,

        Your solution works on Mac UE as well.