Default & Custom Key Mappings for UltraEdit-32

Default & Custom Key Mappings for UltraEdit-32

Basic UserBasic User

    Apr 15, 2006#1


    I've done a custom keyboard layout for UltraEdit-32, and investigating a little bit the problems and conflicts with the keyboard mappings, and i've created a table where I have all the mappable UltraEdit functions with their descriptions, default hotkeys and my custom hotkeys, and also the keys that cannot be remapped and the "ghost" UStudio keys that are not useful but are still defined (As pointed by Mofi in another post). Maybe this table can help somebody in doing a custom keyboard layout:

    Code: Select all

                        UltraEdit-32 12.00 - Key Mapping List
    Windows/UltraEdit fixed keys
      These keys are Windows/UltraEdit default hotkeys and cannot be neither disabled nor remapped
        <Default Keys>    : <Function Description>
                  F1      : Context Help
           [Ctrl] Esc     : Windows Start Menu
    [Ctrl][Shift] Esc     : Windows Task Manager
      [Alt][Ctrl] Del     : Windows Security
            [Alt] Spcbar  : Windows System Menu
          [Shift] F10     : Windows Context Menu
            [Alt] Esc     : Next open application
     [Alt][Shift] Esc     : Previous open application
            [Alt] Tab     : Next open application (Preview)
     [Alt][Shift] Tab     : Previous open application (Preview)
            [Alt] F4      : Close application
           [Ctrl] Tab     : Next open document
    [Ctrl][Shift] Tab     : Previous open document
           [Ctrl] F4      : Close open document
           [Ctrl] Up      : Scroll up
           [Ctrl] Down    : Scroll down
           [Ctrl] Left    : Move cursor to previous word
           [Ctrl] Right   : Move cursor to next word
           [Ctrl] Home    : Move cursor to begin of file
           [Ctrl] End     : Move cursor to end of file
          [Shift] Up      : Select all characters to cursor position in previous line
          [Shift] Down    : Select all characters to cursor position in next line
          [Shift] Right   : Select next character
          [Shift] Left    : Select previous character
    [Ctrl][Shift] Right   : Select all characters to next word
    [Ctrl][Shift] Left    : Select all characters to previous word
          [Shift] Home    : Select to start of line
          [Shift] End     : Select to end of line
    [Ctrl][Shift] Home    : Select to begin of file
    [Ctrl][Shift] End     : Select to end of file
           [Ctrl] Del     : Delete all characters to next word
           [Ctrl] Bkspace : Delete all characters to previous word
                  Tab     : Add 1 tab at beginning of every selected line
          [Shift] Tab     : Remove 1 tab at beginning of every selected line
    [Ctrl][Shift] A       : Insert 'ä' character
                          : Insert 'Ä' character (CapsLock On)
    [Ctrl][Shift] O       : Insert 'ö' character
                          : Insert 'Ö' character (CapsLock On)
    [Ctrl][Shift] U       : Insert 'ü' character
                          : Insert 'Ü' character (CapsLock On)
    [Ctrl][Shift] S       : Insert 'ß' character
    Keys defined in "Advanced - Configuration - Key Mapping"
           <Custom Keys>        : <Default Keys>           : <Function Name>                           : <Function Description>
                       F4       : Ctrl+N                   : FileNew                                   : Create a new document
                [Ctrl] F8       : Ctrl+O                   : FileOpen                                  : Open an existing document
               [Shift] F8       : Ctrl+Q                   : FileQuickOpen File                        : Quick open existing document
                <None>          : <None>                   : OpenFileUnderCursor                       : Open File Under Cursor
                [Ctrl] F4       : <None>                   : FileClose                                 : Close the active document
         [Ctrl][Shift] F4       : Ctrl+Shift+F4            : FileCloseAll                              : Close All Files
               [Shift] F4       : <None>                   : FileCloseAllExceptCurrent                 : Close all files except active file
          [Alt][Shift] F8       : <None>                   : FileFTPOpen                               : Open from FTP
          [Alt][Shift] F5       : <None>                   : FileFTPSaveAs                             : Save As to FTP
                       F8       : <None>                   : FileRevertToSaved                         : Revert to Saved
                       F5       : Ctrl+S                   : FileSave                                  : Save the active document
                [Ctrl] F5       : F12                      : FileSaveAs                                : Save the active document with a new name
         [Ctrl][Shift] F5       : Alt+F12                  : FileSaveAll                               : Save all modified documents
               [Shift] F5       : <None>                   : FileSaveSelection                         : Save Selection as File...
                 [Alt] F5       : <None>                   : FileMakeCopy                              : Make Copy/Backup
                       F2       : <None>                   : FileRenameFile                            : Rename File
                       F12      : Alt+F11                  : FileCompare                               : Compare two files
                <None>          : <None>                   : FileSort                                  : Sort File
                <None>          : <None>                   : FileSortAdvanced                          : Advanced Sort
                <None>          : <None>                   : FileConvertToDos                          : Convert UNIX/Mac line terminators to DOS
                <None>          : <None>                   : FileConvertToMac                          : Convert DOS to MAC format
                <None>          : <None>                   : FileConvertToUnix                         : Convert DOS to UNIX format
                <None>          : <None>                   : FileConvertFromEBCDIC                     : Convert file from EBCDIC to ASCII
                <None>          : <None>                   : FileConvertToEBCDIC                       : Convert file from ASCII to EBCDIC
                [Ctrl] F2       : <None>                   : FormatOemToAnsi                           : Convert file contents to ANSI character set
                 [Alt] F2       : <None>                   : FormatAnsiToOem                           : Convert file contents to OEM character set
                <None>          : <None>                   : FileConvertToUnicode                      : Convert to Unicode
                <None>          : <None>                   : FileConvUTF-8toUnicode                    : Convert UTF-8 to UNICODE
                <None>          : <None>                   : FileConvertFromUnicode                    : Convert from Unicode
                <None>          : <None>                   : FileConvUTF-8toASCII                      : Convert UTF-8 to ASCII
                <None>          : <None>                   : FileConvASCIItoUTF-8(UNICODE)             : Convert to UTF-8 (Unicode Editing)
                <None>          : <None>                   : FileConvUNICODE/UTF-8toUTF-8(UNICODE)     : UNICODE to UTF-8 (Unicode Editing)
                <None>          : <None>                   : FileConvUNICODE/ASCII/UTF-8toUTF-8(ASCII) : Convert to UTF-8 (ASCII Editing)
                <None>          : <None>                   : FileConvUNICODEToUNICODEBigEndian         : Convert to UTF-8 (ASCII Editing)
                <None>          : <None>                   : FileConvUNICODEBigEndianToUNICODE         : Convert to UTF-8 (ASCII Editing)
                <None>          : <None>                   : FileConvToASCIIEscapedUnicode             : Convert to UTF-8 (ASCII Editing)
                <None>          : <None>                   : FileConvFromASCIIEscapedUnicode           : Convert to UTF-8 (ASCII Editing)
                <None>          : <None>                   : FileConvUserConvertTo                     : User Conversion to...
                <None>          : <None>                   : FileConvUserConvertFrom                   : User Conversion from...
                <None>          : <None>                   : FileInsert                                : Insert file into active file
           [Alt][Ctrl] F2       : <None>                   : FileDelete                                : Delete current file from disk and close edit session
                <None>          : <None>                   : FileSendMail                              : Send File as Mail
                <None>          : <None>                   : FileInsertSpecial                         : Insert String At Every Increment
                [Ctrl] P        : Ctrl+P                   : FilePrint                                 : Print the active document
           [Alt][Ctrl] P        : <None>                   : FilePrintAll                              : Print all files
         [Ctrl][Shift] P        : <None>                   : FilePrintPreview                          : Display view of file as it will be printed
                 [Alt] P        : <None>                   : FilePageSetup                             : Set page headers and footers
          [Alt][Shift] P        : <None>                   : FilePrintSetup                            : Change the printer and printing options
                 [Alt] F8       : Ctrl+Shift+F             : FileFavoriteFiles                         : Favorite Files
                 [Alt] F4       : <None>                   : FileExit                                  : Quit the application; prompts to save documents
                [Ctrl] Z        : Alt+BACKSPACE # Ctrl+Z   : EditUndo                                  : Undo the last action
         [Ctrl][Shift] Z        : Ctrl+Y                   : EditRedo                                  : Redo the previously undone action
                [Ctrl] X        : Shift+DEL # Ctrl+X       : EditCut                                   : Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard
                [Ctrl] C        : Ctrl+C # Ctrl+INS        : EditCopy                                  : Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard
                [Ctrl] V        : Ctrl+V # Shift+INS       : EditPaste                                 : Insert Clipboard contents
         [Ctrl][Shift] V        : Ctrl+Shift+V             : EditPasteCopy                             : Paste  Copy
         [Ctrl][Shift] X        : Ctrl+Shift+X             : EditCutAppend                             : Cut the selection and append it to the Clipboard
         [Ctrl][Shift] C        : Ctrl+Shift+C             : EditCopyAppend                            : Copy the selection and append it to the Clipboard
               [Shift] F2       : <None>                   : EditCopyFilePathToClipboard               : Copy File Path/Name to Clipboard
           [Alt][Ctrl] 0        : Ctrl+0                   : EditClipboardNormal                       : Set Windows Clipboard Active
           [Alt][Ctrl] 1        : Ctrl+1                   : EditClipboardUser1                        : Set User Clipboard 1 Active
           [Alt][Ctrl] 2        : Ctrl+2                   : EditClipboardUser2                        : Set User Clipboard 2 Active
           [Alt][Ctrl] 3        : Ctrl+3                   : EditClipboardUser3                        : Set User Clipboard 3 Active
           [Alt][Ctrl] 4        : Ctrl+4                   : EditClipboardUser4                        : Set User Clipboard 4 Active
           [Alt][Ctrl] 5        : Ctrl+5                   : EditClipboardUser5                        : Set User Clipboard 5 Active
           [Alt][Ctrl] 6        : Ctrl+6                   : EditClipboardUser6                        : Set User Clipboard 6 Active
           [Alt][Ctrl] 7        : Ctrl+7                   : EditClipboardUser7                        : Set User Clipboard 7 Active
           [Alt][Ctrl] 8        : Ctrl+8                   : EditClipboardUser8                        : Set User Clipboard 8 Active
           [Alt][Ctrl] 9        : Ctrl+9                   : EditClipboardUser9                        : Set User Clipboard 9 Active
                [Ctrl] A        : Ctrl+A                   : EditSelectAll                             : Select the entire document
                <None>          : <None>                   : EditSelectLine                            : Select Line
                <None>          : Ctrl+J                   : EditSelectWord                            : Select Word
                <None>          : <None>                   : EditSelectRange                           : Set Select Range
                   Del          : <None>                   : EditDelete                                : Delete
                 [Alt] Del      : Ctrl+E                   : EditDeleteLine                            : Delete current line
         [Ctrl][Shift] BkSpace  : Ctrl+F11                 : EditDeleteToStartOfLine                   : Delete to Start of Line
         [Ctrl][Shift] Del      : Ctrl+F12                 : EditDeleteToEndOfLine                     : Delete to End of Line
          [Alt][Shift] Ins      : Alt+Ctrl+D               : EditDuplicateLine                         : Duplicate Current Line
                 [Alt] Ins      : Ctrl+RETURN              : EditInsertLine                            : Insert Line
                <None>          : F7                       : EditInsertTimeDate                        : Insert Date and Time
                 [Alt] H        : Ctrl+H                   : EditToggleHexMode                         : Toggle between HEX and ASCII editing modes
                <None>          : <None>                   : EditToggleHexEBCDICMode                   : Toggle between HEX/EBCDIC and ASCII editing modes
                <None>          : Ctrl+D                   : EditHexInsertDelete                       : Insert or delete characters in HEX mode
                <None>          : <None>                   : EditHexCopyView                           : Copy selected View to Clipboard
                <None>          : Ctrl+K                   : EditSpellCheck                            : Spell Check Selection or File
                <None>          : <None>                   : EditReadOnly                              : Toggle Read Only
                 [Alt] W        : Ctrl+W                   : EditWordWrap                              : Set word wrap mode
                <None>          : <None>                   : EditCommentAdd                            : Comment Out
                <None>          : <None>                   : EditCommentRemove                         : Comment Remove
                <None>          : <None>                   : EditInsertColor                           : Color Selector
                [Ctrl] F3       : Ctrl+F # Alt+F3          : SearchFind                                : Find the specified text
                       F3       : F3 # Shift+F3            : SearchFindNext                            : Find Next Occurrence of String
               [Shift] F3       : Ctrl+F3                  : SearchFindPrevious                        : Find Previous Occurrence of String
                 [Alt] F3       : Ctrl+R                   : SearchReplace                             : Replace specific text with different text
                 [Alt] Space    : Ctrl+Shift+I             : SearchIncrementalSearch                   : Incremental Search
                <None>          : <None>                   : SearchFindInfiles                         : Find text in files
                <None>          : <None>                   : SearchReplaceInFiles                      : Replace In Files
                 [Alt] B        : Ctrl+B                   : SearchMatchBrace                          : Find and select to matching brace
                 [Alt] G        : Ctrl+G                   : SearchGoto                                : Goto Line # or Address (HEX mode)
                [Ctrl] F7       : Ctrl+F2                  : SearchToggleBookmark                      : Toggles a bookmark in the file
               [Shift] F7       : Alt+F2                   : SearchPrevBookmark                        : Moves to the previous bookmark in a file
                       F7       : F2                       : SearchGotoBookmark                        : Moves to the next bookmark in a file
           [Alt][Ctrl] F7       : <None>                   : SearchClearBookmarks                      : Clear All Bookmarks
                <None>          : <None>                   : SearchWordCount                           : Word Count
                <None>          : F8                       : SearchFunctionList                        : View Function List
                <None>          : F11                      : SearchFindSymbol                          : Find Symbol in CTAG File
                [Ctrl] F1       : Alt+RETURN               : ShowCharacterValue                        : Show properties of character under cursor
                <None>          : <None>                   : SearchGoBack                              : Go to last position
                <None>          : <None>                   : SearchGoForward                           : Go to next position
                <None>          : <None>                   : ProjectNew                                : New Project/Workspace
                <None>          : <None>                   : ProjectCreateUsingTemplates               : Create Project Using Templates
                <None>          : Alt+Shift+O              : ProjectOpen                               : Open Project
                <None>          : Alt+Shift+C              : ProjectClose                              : Close Project/Workspace
                <None>          : Alt+Shift+S              : ProjectFilesSettings                      : Project Files/Settings
                <None>          : <None>                   : ProjectAddFile                            : Project Files/Settings
                <None>          : <None>                   : ProjectAddFolder                          : Project Files/Settings
                <None>          : <None>                   : ProjectBackup                             : Back Up Project/Workspace
                <None>          : <None>                   : ProjectRestore                            : Restore Project/Workspace
                <None>          : <None>                   : ProjectCreateTAGFile                      : Create TAG file
                <None>          : <None>                   : ProjectSetupCTAGOptions                   : Setup CTAG Options
                <None>          : <None>                   : ViewShow/HideToolbar                      : Show or hide the toolbar
                <None>          : <None>                   : ViewShow/HideStatusBar                    : Show or hide the status bar
                <None>          : <None>                   : ViewShowHideFileTabs                      : Show or Hide Open File Tabs
                <None>          : Ctrl+U                   : ViewShow/Hide File Tree View              : Show or Hide File Tree View
                 [Alt] F11      : <None>                   : ViewShow/Hide Function List               : Show or Hide Function List
                [Ctrl] F11      : <None>                   : ViewShow/Hide Macro List                  : View Macro List
               [Shift] F11      : Ctrl+F8                  : ViewTagList                               : View Tag List
                <None>          : <None>                   : ViewShowHideTemplateList                  : View Template List
                       F11      : <None>                   : ViewShow/HideOutPutWindow                 : Show or Hide Output Window
                <None>          : <None>                   : ViewDisableWorkspaceClose                 : Show or Hide Output Window
    [Alt][Ctrl][Shift] 1        : <None>                   : ViewShowAsLanguage1                       : View as Language 1
    [Alt][Ctrl][Shift] 2        : <None>                   : ViewShowAsLanguage2                       : View as Language 2
    [Alt][Ctrl][Shift] 3        : <None>                   : ViewShowAsLanguage3                       : View as Language 3
    [Alt][Ctrl][Shift] 4        : <None>                   : ViewShowAsLanguage4                       : View as Language 4
    [Alt][Ctrl][Shift] 5        : <None>                   : ViewShowAsLanguage5                       : View as Language 5
    [Alt][Ctrl][Shift] 6        : <None>                   : ViewShowAsLanguage6                       : View as Language 6
    [Alt][Ctrl][Shift] 7        : <None>                   : ViewShowAsLanguage7                       : View as Language 7
    [Alt][Ctrl][Shift] 8        : <None>                   : ViewShowAsLanguage8                       : View as Language 8
    [Alt][Ctrl][Shift] 9        : <None>                   : ViewShowAsLanguage9                       : View as Language 9
                <None>          : <None>                   : ViewShowAsLanguage10                      : View as Language 10
                <None>          : <None>                   : ViewShowAsLanguage11                      : View as Language 11
                <None>          : <None>                   : ViewShowAsLanguage12                      : View as Language 12
                <None>          : <None>                   : ViewShowAsLanguage13                      : View as Language 13
                <None>          : <None>                   : ViewShowAsLanguage14                      : View as Language 14
                <None>          : <None>                   : ViewShowAsLanguage15                      : View as Language 15
                <None>          : <None>                   : ViewShowAsLanguage16                      : View as Language 16
                <None>          : <None>                   : ViewShowAsLanguage17                      : View as Language 17
                <None>          : <None>                   : ViewShowAsLanguage18                      : View as Language 18
                <None>          : <None>                   : ViewShowAsLanguage19                      : View as Language 19
                <None>          : <None>                   : ViewShowAsLanguage20                      : View as Language 20
    [Alt][Ctrl][Shift] 0        : <None>                   : ViewShowAsLanguageNone                    : No Highlighting
                <None>          : <None>                   : ViewSelectFixedFont                       : Select display font for HEX/Column mode
                <None>          : <None>                   : ViewSelectFont                            : Choose font
                <None>          : <None>                   : ViewSelectPrintFont                       : Set font for printing
                 [Alt] O        : <None>                   : ViewForceOEMFont                          : Show font with OEM Character Set
                <None>          : <None>                   : ViewMirrorDisplayFont                     : Use same font for printing as for display
                <None>          : <None>                   : ViewResetFonts                            : Reset fonts to default values
                <None>          : <None>                   : ViewFontIncreaseSize                      : Increase Font Size
                <None>          : <None>                   : ViewFontDecreaseSize                      : Decrease Font Size
                <None>          : <None>                   : ViewSetColors                             : Set Text Color
                 [Alt] K        : <None>                   : ViewShowCodes                             : Show Spaces, Tabs and new lines
                 [Alt] Ç        : <None>                   : ViewSetColumnMarkers                      : Set Column Markers
                 [Alt] `        : <None>                   : ViewToggleColumnMarker1                   : Show Column Marker 1
                 [Alt] +        : <None>                   : ViewToggleColumnMarker2                   : Show Column Marker 2
                 [Alt] ´        : <None>                   : ViewFixLeftPane                           : Prevent columns left of of Marker1 from scrolling
                <None>          : <None>                   : ViewDisplayRuler                          : Display Column Ruler
                <None>          : <None>                   : ViewDisplayLineNumbers                    : Display Line Numbers on Left Side of View
                <None>          : <None>                   : ViewSingleSpacing                         : View Single Spacing
                <None>          : <None>                   : ViewOneandOneHalfSpacing                  : View 1 1/2 Spacing
                <None>          : <None>                   : ViewDoubleSpacing                         : View Double Spacing
                 [Alt] F1       : <None>                   : ViewAsciiTable                            : ASCII Table
                 [Alt] -        : Ctrl+Subtract            : ViewHideShowLines                         : Hide/Show Fold Lines
                 [Alt] .        : Ctrl+Add                 : ViewCollapseAll                           : Collapse All
                 [Alt] ,        : Ctrl+Multiply            : ViewExpandAll                             : Expand All
                <None>          : <None>                   : ViewFileChangePolling                     : Toggles File Change Polling for the current file
                <None>          : <None>                   : ViewFileAutoScrolling                     : Toggle Auto Scrolling for polled files
                <None>          : <None>                   : ViewAlwaysOnTop                           : Toggle 'Always On Top' mode for main window
                 [Alt] Return   : <None>                   : ViewFullScreen                            : Full Screen Mode
           [Alt][Ctrl] F9       : Ctrl+T                   : FormatReformaParagraph                    : Reformat paragraph to column wrap
                [Ctrl] F9       : <None>                   : FormatLeft                                : Left Align Paragraph
                 [Alt] F9       : <None>                   : FormatRight                               : Right Align Paragraph
               [Shift] F9       : <None>                   : FormatCenter                              : Center Align Paragraph
    [Alt][Ctrl][Shift] F9       : <None>                   : FormatFill                                : Fill Paragraph
                       F9       : <None>                   : FormatSettings                            : Paragraph Setup/Formatting
                <None>          : <None>                   : FormatCR/LFsToWrap                        : Convert CR/LFs to Word Wrap for selected text
                <None>          : <None>                   : FormatWrapToCRLF                          : Convert Word Wrap to hard CR/LFs for complete file
                 [Alt] S        : <None>                   : FormatTabToSpaces                         : Convert Tabs to Spaces
                <None>          : <None>                   : FormatSpacesToTabs(All)                   : Convert All Spaces to Tabs
                <None>          : <None>                   : FormatSpacesToTabs(Leading)               : Convert Leading Spaces to Tabs
                 [Alt] T        : <None>                   : FormatTrimTrailingSpaces                  : Trim Trailing Spaces
                [Ctrl] CapsLock : Alt+F5                   : FormatToUpper                             : Change selected text to upper case
         [Ctrl][Shift] CapsLock : Ctrl+F5                  : FormatToLower                             : Change selected text to lower case
                 [Alt] CapsLock : F5                       : FormatCapitalize                          : Capitalize first character of each word
          [Alt][Shift] CapsLock : Shift+F5                 : FormatInvertCase                          : Invert case of selected string
                <None>          : <None>                   : FormatAddIndents                          : Add Indents to selected lines
                <None>          : <None>                   : FormatRemoveIndents                       : Remove all indents from selected lines
                [Ctrl] Return   : <None>                   : FormatPageBreak                           : Insert page break into document at current position
                <None>          : <None>                   : FormatHtmlTidy                            : HTML Tidy
                <None>          : <None>                   : FormatCSEValidator                        : Run CSE HTML Validator
                <None>          : <None>                   : FormatHTMLValidatorJobType                : Set CSE HTML Validator Job Type
                <None>          : <None>                   : FormatHTMLValidatorOptions                : CSE HTML Validator Options
                <None>          : <None>                   : FormatHTMLValidatorConfiguration          : Configure CSE HTML Validator
                <None>          : <None>                   : FormatXMLViewer                           : Configure CSE HTML Validator
                <None>          : <None>                   : FormatReindentSelection                   : ReIndent Selection
                 [Alt] C        : Alt+C                    : ColumnToggleMode                          : Toggle Column Mode editing
                <None>          : <None>                   : ColumnInsert/Fill                         : Insert columns at cursor position
                <None>          : <None>                   : ColumnDelete                              : Delete columns at cursor position
                <None>          : <None>                   : ColumnCut                                 : Cut columns at cursor position
                       F10      : <None>                   : ColumnSequentialNumber                    : Inserts a sequential number in each line
                <None>          : <None>                   : SumColumns/Selection                      : Show sum of selected area/columns
         [Ctrl][Shift] F10      : <None>                   : ColumnConverToFixedColumn                 : Convert to Fixed Column Fields
          [Alt][Shift] F10      : <None>                   : ColumnConverToCharacterDelimited          : Convert to Character Delimited Fields
                [Ctrl] F10      : <None>                   : ColumnLeftJustify                         : Left Justify
               [Shift] F10      : <None>                   : ColumnCenterJustify                       : Center Justify
                 [Alt] F10      : <None>                   : ColumnRightJustify                        : Right Justify
                <None>          : <None>                   : MacroLoad                                 : Load a macro file
                <None>          : <None>                   : MacroLoadAppendExisting                   : Append a macro file
                <None>          : <None>                   : MacroSave                                 : Save all macros to a file
                [Ctrl] F6       : Ctrl+Shift+R             : MacroQuickRecord                          : Quick Record Macro
                <None>          : <None>                   : MacroSetLoadOnstartup                     : Specify macro to be loaded at startup
                <None>          : <None>                   : MacroSetForFileLoadSave                   : Set Macro for File Load/Save
                 [Alt] F6       : <None>                   : MacroEdit                                 : Edit Macro
                <None>          : <None>                   : MacroDeleteAll                            : Delete All Macros
          [Alt][Shift] F6       : <None>                   : MacroModifyParameters                     : Delete macro, or modify its properties
         [Ctrl][Shift] F6       : <None>                   : MacroRecord                               : Record a set of key strokes to generate a macro
           [Alt][Ctrl] F6       : <None>                   : MacroStopRecording                        : Stop recording the current macro
               [Shift] F6       : Ctrl+M                   : MacroPlay                                 : Replay the previous recorded macro
                       F6       : Ctrl+L                   : MacroPlay/Select                          : Plays macro a specified number of times
           [Alt][Ctrl] Esc      : <None>                   : AdvancedConfiguration                     : Configuration
                <None>          : <None>                   : AdvancedImportSettings                    : Import Configuration Settings
                <None>          : <None>                   : AdvancedExportSettings                    : Export Configuration Settings
                <None>          : <None>                   : AdvancedSetCodePage                       : Set Code Page
          [Alt][Shift] º        : <None>                   : AdvancedModifyTemplates                   : Display/modify templates
                 [Alt] º        : <None>                   : AdvancedInsertTemplate                    : Insert template
                <None>          : Alt+0                    : InsertTemplate0                           : User Template 0
                 [Alt] 1        : Alt+1                    : InsertTemplate1                           : User Template 1
                 [Alt] 2        : Alt+2                    : InsertTemplate2                           : User Template 2
                 [Alt] 3        : Alt+3                    : InsertTemplate3                           : User Template 3
                 [Alt] 4        : Alt+4                    : InsertTemplate4                           : User Template 4
                 [Alt] 5        : Alt+5                    : InsertTemplate5                           : User Template 5
                 [Alt] 6        : Alt+6                    : InsertTemplate6                           : User Template 6
                 [Alt] 7        : Alt+7                    : InsertTemplate7                           : User Template 7
                 [Alt] 8        : Alt+8                    : InsertTemplate8                           : User Template 8
                 [Alt] 9        : Alt+9                    : InsertTemplate9                           : User Template 9
                 [Alt] 0        : Alt+Shift+0              : InsertTemplate10                          : User Template 10
          [Alt][Shift] 1        : Alt+Shift+1              : InsertTemplate11                          : User Template 11
          [Alt][Shift] 2        : Alt+Shift+2              : InsertTemplate12                          : User Template 12
          [Alt][Shift] 3        : Alt+Shift+3              : InsertTemplate13                          : User Template 13
          [Alt][Shift] 4        : Alt+Shift+4              : InsertTemplate14                          : User Template 14
          [Alt][Shift] 5        : Alt+Shift+5              : InsertTemplate15                          : User Template 15
          [Alt][Shift] 6        : Alt+Shift+6              : InsertTemplate16                          : User Template 16
          [Alt][Shift] 7        : Alt+Shift+7              : InsertTemplate17                          : User Template 17
          [Alt][Shift] 8        : Alt+Shift+8              : InsertTemplate18                          : User Template 18
          [Alt][Shift] 9        : Alt+Shift+9              : InsertTemplate19                          : User Template 19
          [Alt][Shift] 0        : <None>                   : InsertTemplate20                          : User Template 20
                <None>          : <None>                   : InsertTemplate21                          : User Template 21
                <None>          : <None>                   : InsertTemplate22                          : User Template 22
                <None>          : <None>                   : InsertTemplate23                          : User Template 23
                <None>          : <None>                   : InsertTemplate24                          : User Template 24
                <None>          : <None>                   : InsertTemplate25                          : User Template 25
                <None>          : <None>                   : InsertTemplate26                          : User Template 26
                <None>          : <None>                   : InsertTemplate27                          : User Template 27
                <None>          : <None>                   : InsertTemplate28                          : User Template 28
                <None>          : <None>                   : InsertTemplate29                          : User Template 29
                <None>          : <None>                   : InsertTemplate30                          : User Template 30
                <None>          : <None>                   : InsertTemplate31                          : User Template 31
                <None>          : <None>                   : InsertTemplate32                          : User Template 32
                <None>          : <None>                   : InsertTemplate33                          : User Template 33
                <None>          : <None>                   : InsertTemplate34                          : User Template 34
                <None>          : <None>                   : InsertTemplate35                          : User Template 35
                <None>          : <None>                   : InsertTemplate36                          : User Template 36
                <None>          : <None>                   : InsertTemplate37                          : User Template 37
                <None>          : <None>                   : InsertTemplate38                          : User Template 38
                <None>          : <None>                   : InsertTemplate39                          : User Template 39
                <None>          : <None>                   : InsertTemplate40                          : User Template 40
                <None>          : <None>                   : InsertTemplate41                          : User Template 41
                <None>          : <None>                   : InsertTemplate42                          : User Template 42
                <None>          : <None>                   : InsertTemplate43                          : User Template 43
                <None>          : <None>                   : InsertTemplate44                          : User Template 44
                <None>          : <None>                   : InsertTemplate45                          : User Template 45
                <None>          : <None>                   : InsertTemplate46                          : User Template 46
                <None>          : <None>                   : InsertTemplate47                          : User Template 47
                <None>          : <None>                   : InsertTemplate48                          : User Template 48
                <None>          : <None>                   : InsertTemplate49                          : User Template 49
                [Ctrl] F12      : F9                       : AdvancedRunDosCmd                         : Run a DOS command, and capture output
         [Ctrl][Shift] F12      : Ctrl+F9                  : AdvancedRunLastDosCmd                     : Repeat last DOS command
                 [Alt] F12      : F10                      : AdvancedRunWindowsProgram                 : Spawn a Windows program
                <None>          : <None>                   : AdvancedAlternateCapture                  : Alternate Capture Method
                [Ctrl] º        : <None>                   : AdvancedConfigureTools                    : Tool Configuration
                <None>          : <None>                   : AdvancedProjectToolConfiguration          : Project Tool Configuration
                [Ctrl] 1        : Ctrl+Shift+0             : AdvancedUserTool1                         : User Tool 1
                [Ctrl] 2        : Ctrl+Shift+1             : AdvancedUserTool2                         : User Tool 2
                [Ctrl] 3        : Ctrl+Shift+2             : AdvancedUserTool3                         : User Tool 3
                [Ctrl] 4        : Ctrl+Shift+3             : AdvancedUserTool4                         : User Tool 4
                [Ctrl] 5        : Ctrl+Shift+4             : AdvancedUserTool5                         : User Tool 5
                [Ctrl] 6        : Ctrl+Shift+5             : AdvancedUserTool6                         : User Tool 6
                [Ctrl] 7        : Ctrl+Shift+6             : AdvancedUserTool7                         : User Tool 7
                [Ctrl] 8        : Ctrl+Shift+7             : AdvancedUserTool8                         : User Tool 8
                [Ctrl] 9        : Ctrl+Shift+8             : AdvancedUserTool9                         : User Tool 9
                [Ctrl] 0        : Ctrl+Shift+9             : AdvancedUserTool10                        : User Tool 10
         [Ctrl][Shift] 1        : <None>                   : AdvancedUserTool11                        : User Tool 10
         [Ctrl][Shift] 2        : <None>                   : AdvancedUserTool12                        : User Tool 10
         [Ctrl][Shift] 3        : <None>                   : AdvancedUserTool13                        : User Tool 10
         [Ctrl][Shift] 4        : <None>                   : AdvancedUserTool14                        : User Tool 10
         [Ctrl][Shift] 5        : <None>                   : AdvancedUserTool15                        : User Tool 10
         [Ctrl][Shift] 6        : <None>                   : AdvancedUserTool16                        : User Tool 10
         [Ctrl][Shift] 7        : <None>                   : AdvancedUserTool17                        : User Tool 10
         [Ctrl][Shift] 8        : <None>                   : AdvancedUserTool18                        : User Tool 10
         [Ctrl][Shift] 9        : <None>                   : AdvancedUserTool19                        : User Tool 10
         [Ctrl][Shift] 0        : <None>                   : AdvancedUserTool20                        : User Tool 10
                <None>          : <None>                   : AdvancedUserTool21                        : User Tool 10
                <None>          : <None>                   : AdvancedUserTool22                        : User Tool 10
                <None>          : <None>                   : AdvancedUserTool23                        : User Tool 10
                <None>          : <None>                   : AdvancedUserTool24                        : User Tool 10
                <None>          : <None>                   : AdvancedUserTool25                        : User Tool 10
                <None>          : <None>                   : AdvancedProjectTool1                      : User Project Tool 1
                <None>          : <None>                   : AdvancedProjectTool2                      : User Project Tool 2
                <None>          : <None>                   : AdvancedProjectTool3                      : User Project Tool 3
                <None>          : <None>                   : AdvancedProjectTool4                      : User Project Tool 4
                <None>          : <None>                   : AdvancedProjectTool5                      : User Project Tool 5
                <None>          : <None>                   : AdvancedProjectTool6                      : User Project Tool 6
                <None>          : <None>                   : AdvancedProjectTool7                      : User Project Tool 7
                <None>          : <None>                   : AdvancedProjectTool8                      : User Project Tool 8
                <None>          : <None>                   : AdvancedProjectTool9                      : User Project Tool 9
                <None>          : <None>                   : AdvancedProjectTool10                     : User Project Tool 10
                <None>          : <None>                   : AdvancedProjectTool11                     : User Project Tool 10
                <None>          : <None>                   : AdvancedProjectTool12                     : User Project Tool 10
                <None>          : <None>                   : AdvancedProjectTool13                     : User Project Tool 10
                <None>          : <None>                   : AdvancedProjectTool14                     : User Project Tool 10
                <None>          : <None>                   : AdvancedProjectTool15                     : User Project Tool 10
                <None>          : <None>                   : AdvancedProjectTool16                     : User Project Tool 10
                <None>          : <None>                   : AdvancedProjectTool17                     : User Project Tool 10
                <None>          : <None>                   : AdvancedProjectTool18                     : User Project Tool 10
                <None>          : <None>                   : AdvancedProjectTool19                     : User Project Tool 10
                <None>          : <None>                   : AdvancedProjectTool20                     : User Project Tool 10
                <None>          : <None>                   : AdvancedProjectTool21                     : User Project Tool 10
                <None>          : <None>                   : AdvancedProjectTool22                     : User Project Tool 10
                <None>          : <None>                   : AdvancedProjectTool23                     : User Project Tool 10
                <None>          : <None>                   : AdvancedProjectTool24                     : User Project Tool 10
                <None>          : <None>                   : AdvancedProjectTool25                     : User Project Tool 10
                <None>          : <None>                   : WindowDuplicate                           : Open another window for the active document
                <None>          : <None>                   : WindowCascadeAllWindows                   : Arrange windows so they overlap
                <None>          : <None>                   : WindowTileHorizontally                    : Arrange windows horizontally as non-overlapping tiles
                <None>          : <None>                   : WindowTileVertically                      : Arrange windows vertically as non-overlapping tiles
                <None>          : Ctrl+F6                  : WindowNextWindow                          : Switch to the next document window
                <None>          : Ctrl+Shift+F6            : WindowPreviousWindow                      : Switch to the previous document window
                <None>          : <None>                   : WindowArrangeIcons                        : Arrange icons at the bottom of the window
                <None>          : Alt+DOWN_ARROW           : WindowNextTabDocument                     : Next File Tab
                <None>          : Alt+UP_ARROW             : WindowPreviousTabDocument                 : Previous File Tab
                <None>          : <None>                   : WindowSplitWindow                         : Split the active window into panes
                <None>          : <None>                   : WindowMinimizeAll                         : Minimize All Windows
                       F11      : <None>                   : ViewShowOutputWindow                      : Show or Hide Output Window
               [Shift] F12      : <None>                   : Window-WWW Browser                        : Show File in Default Browser
                <None>          : <None>                   : WindowSynchronizeScroll                   : Vertical Synchronized Scrolling
                <None>          : Ctrl+F10                 : NextWindowPanel                           : Vertical Synchronized Scrolling
                <None>          : Alt+F10                  : PrevWindowPanel                           : Vertical Synchronized Scrolling
                <None>          : Alt+F8                   : ProfileSelectMenu                         : Profile Menu
               [Shift] F1       : <None>                   : HelpIndex                                 : List Help topics
                <None>          : <None>                   : HelpUserFile1                             : User Help File 1
                <None>          : <None>                   : HelpUserFile2                             : User Help File 2
                <None>          : <None>                   : HelpUserFile3                             : User Help File 3
                <None>          : <None>                   : HelpUserFile4                             : User Help File 4
                <None>          : <None>                   : HelpUserFile5                             : User Help File 5
                <None>          : <None>                   : HelpUserFile6                             : User Help File 6
                <None>          : <None>                   : HelpAddHelp                               : Add Help Files
                [Ctrl] Space    : Ctrl+SPACE               : AutoComplete                              : Show Auto Complete List
                <None>          : Ctrl+I                   : InsertLiteralText                         : Insert Literal Text
                 [Alt] Left     : Ctrl+Numeric_pad_1       : CursorToEndofPreviousWord                 : Goto End of Previous Word
                 [Alt] Right    : Ctrl+Numeric_pad_2       : CursorToEndofNextWord                     : Goto End of Next Word
                [Ctrl] Pgdn     : Alt+RIGHT_ARROW          : CursorToNextParagraph                     : Position cursor at next paragraph start
                [Ctrl] Pgup     : Alt+LEFT_ARROW           : CursorToPreviousParagraph                 : Position cursor at previous paragraph start
                 [Alt] Pgup     : Alt+PGUP                 : CursorToTopOfWindow                       : Position cursor at top of Window
                 [Alt] Pgdn     : Alt+PGDN                 : CursorToBottomOfWindow                    : Position cursor at bottom of Window
                 [Alt] Up       : Alt+Subtract             : MoveLineToTopofView                       : Position active line at top of Window
          [Alt][Shift] Up       : Alt+CLEAR # Alt+Multiply : MoveLineToCenterofView                    : Position active line at center of Window
                 [Alt] Down     : Alt+Add                  : MoveLineToBottomofView                    : Position active line at bottom of Window
                <None>          : F4                       : FocusToTreeView                           : Switch focus between Tree View and active edit window
                <None>          : Ctrl+F7                  : FocusToOutputWindow                       : Switch focus between Output Window and active edit window
                <None>          : <None>                   : ToolsStyleBuilder                         : Style Builder
                <None>          : <None>                   : ToolsGUIDGenerator                        : GUID Generator
                <None>          : <None>                   : ToolsNumberConverter                      : Number Converter
                <None>          : <None>                   : ToolsArtisticStyle                        : Artistic Style
                <None>          : <None>                   : ToolsNETCodeProtector                     : .NET Code Protector
                <None>          : <None>                   : HTMLBold                                  : HTML Bold
                <None>          : <None>                   : HTMLItalic                                : HTML Italic
                <None>          : <None>                   : HTMLUnderline                             : HTML Underline
                <None>          : <None>                   : HTMLIncreaseIndents                       : HTML Increase Indents
                <None>          : <None>                   : HTMLBullets                               : HTML Bullets
                <None>          : <None>                   : HTMLNumbering                             : HTML Numbering
                <None>          : <None>                   : HTMLForeground                            : HTML Foreground Color
                <None>          : <None>                   : HTMLBackground                            : HTML Background Color
                <None>          : <None>                   : HTMLAlignLeft                             : HTML Align Left
                <None>          : <None>                   : HTMLCenter                                : HTML Center
                <None>          : <None>                   : HTMLAlignRight                            : HTML Align Right
                <None>          : <None>                   : HTMLJustify                               : HTML Justify
                <None>          : <None>                   : HTMLLabel                                 : HTML Div
                <None>          : <None>                   : HTMLButton                                : HTML Button
                <None>          : <None>                   : HTMLTextField                             : HTML Text Field
                <None>          : <None>                   : HTMLTextArea                              : HTML Text Area
                <None>          : <None>                   : HTMLPasswordField                         : HTML Password Field
                <None>          : <None>                   : HTMLHidden                                : HTML Hidden
                <None>          : <None>                   : HTMLCheckbox                              : HTML Checkbox
                <None>          : <None>                   : HTMLRadioButton                           : HTML Radio Button
                <None>          : <None>                   : HTMLImage                                 : HTML Image
                <None>          : <None>                   : HTMLImageButton                           : HTML Image Button
                <None>          : <None>                   : HTMLBookMark                              : HTML Anchor
                <None>          : <None>                   : HTMLCloseTag                              : HTML Close Tag
                <None>          : <None>                   : HTMLConvertSpecialChars                   : HTML Convert special characters in selected text to HTML entities
                <None>          : <None>                   : HTMLEncodeDecode                          : HTML Encode/Decode
                <None>          : <None>                   : HTMLProtector                             : HTML HTML Protector
    Ghost Keys defined internally
      These keys are assigned to UEStudio functions, and have no use in UltraEdit (with the exception of the OVR function); it's possible to assign another function to these keys in "Advanced - Configuration - Key Mapping"
    <Ghost Keys> : <Function Description>
    INS          : OVR
    Shift+F1     : Display help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows
    Shift+F4     : Regenerate Makefile
    Shift+F6     : Switch back to the previous window pane
    Shift+F7     : Compile
    Shift+F8     : Build Project
    Shift+F9     : Rebuild All
    Shift+F10    : Build multiple projects
    Shift+F11    : Start Debugger
    Shift+F12    : Run Application
    Alt+Ctrl+F12 : Find Symbol definition in project files
    Alt+Ctrl+I   : File list
    Alt+Shift+Q  : Commit project files to CVS repository
    Alt+Shift+E  : Checkout module excluding CVS information
    Alt+Shift+T  : Create branch or tag for project module
    Alt+Shift+U  : Update project files from CVS repository
    Alt+Shift+I  : Import new module into repository
    Alt+Shift+H  : Checkout module from repository
    Alt+Shift+A  : Launch CVS Manager Dialog
    Alt+Shift+M  : Project Manager
    Koko McCracken

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Apr 18, 2006#2

      Impressing! I think it's the first time that someone has created a full list of all keys. But I have found some mistakes in your table.

      Code: Select all

                    F1      : Context Help
      F1 is not the "Context Help", it is the "Index Help". F1 opens the help topic those help ID (index) is assigned to the current dialog, window, etc.

      Code: Select all

      Shift+F1     : Display help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows
      Shift+F6     : Switch back to the previous window pane
      Shift+F1 (Context Help) is a Windows standard hotkey. It works also in UltraEdit (for example in the configuration dialog), but the help of UE does not contain context sensitive help topics.

      Shift+F6 is not a ghost key in UltraEdit. It works also in UltraEdit if you have used Window - Split Window to split the active window into 2 panes. It's also possible to split the current window by dragging the small rectangle above the vertical scroll bar with the left mouse button.

      I think Shift+F6 is a Windows standard key because it works also for example in MS Word if a word document window is split into 2 panes.

      You should move Shift+F1 and Shift+F6 to the "Windows/UltraEdit fixed keys" section.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

      Basic UserBasic User

        Apr 18, 2006#3

        Mofi wrote:F1 is not the "Context Help", it is the "Index Help". F1 opens the help topic those help ID (index) is assigned to the current dialog, window, etc.
        I think what he might be referring to is this (as described in the help entry for "Add Help File command"):
        If some text is selected within an open document within the editor, the user may press F1 to see a list of user configured help files that may be searched for the selected string.
        I use this a lot. I mostly code in PHP, so I added a PHP help file. Now I can highlight a function name in a PHP file, hit F1, and the PHP help file opens to the help entry for the function.

        Basic UserBasic User

          Apr 19, 2006#4

          F1 is not the "Context Help", it is the "Index Help". F1 opens the help topic those help ID (index) is assigned to the current dialog, window, etc.
          I agree, when I'm over an menu item, or inside a options window, and I press F1, the help that appears is related to the item I'm hovering, selecting or using, that's why I call it "Context Help", because the help that appears depends on the context.

          What I understand by "Index Help" is the main menu of the UltraEdit help, the "Table of Contents", in fact, you can assign "HelpIndex" to a key and when you press that key, it always show the first item of the UltraEdit help, independently of what you are selecting, or in which menu you are.

          Shift+F1 (Context Help) is a Windows standard hotkey. It works also in UltraEdit (for example in the configuration dialog), but the help of UE does not contain context sensitive help topics.

          Shift+F6 is not a ghost key in UltraEdit. It works also in UltraEdit if you have used Window - Split Window to split the active window into 2 panes. It's also possible to split the current window by dragging the small rectangle above the vertical scroll bar with the left mouse button.
          It happens something similar with "Shift+F10" key, as you pointed in Shift+F10 not showing context menu in V12, in theory Shift+F1, Shift+F6, Shift+F10, are Windows standard hotkeys, with the functions you say, however, if you go to "Advanced - Configuration... - Key Mapping", click on   the "Press New Key:" field and press this keys, you can see that they have functions attached, that you can remove if you assign that key to another function, as you explained in your post; as you can see in my custom key mapping, I have different functions assigned, and they are working properly (at least in my case; using UE32 12.00+3), so it's not necessary to move Shift+F1 and Shift+F6 to the "Windows/UltraEdit fixed keys" section.

          P.D: English is not my native language, so if anybody sees something wrong, or bad explained, please feel free to correct me, I'll be glad of correct & improve
          Koko McCracken

          Grand MasterGrand Master

            Apr 19, 2006#5

            But F1 is nevertheless the index help and not the context help because it is based on the index. For example if you press F1 in the Edit Macro dialog you will get the help about macro commands (even in versions prior v12.00 of UE). But you see in the user Tool Configuration dialog in v12.00+3 that F1 is based on the index. If you press F1 in the Tool Configuration dialog not the Tool Configuration help is shown because wrong help ID (index) is in the uedit32.exe.
            If some text is selected within an open document within the editor, the user may press F1 to see a list of user configured help files that may be searched for the selected string.
            Yes, this is a wonderful function and I use it often too, but with Alt+F1. My F1 is still the UE help key (because of many forum answers). However I think it searches also only in the index of the help for the currently selected word. Maybe I'm wrong here, I have not really deeply looked into it.

            Shift+F1 and Shift+F6: Yes, these ghost key assignments are a problem of UE v12.00. But if the keys are assigned TEMPORARILY to a command existing in UE and removed again, the ghost key assignments are removed and the standard Windows function for Shift+F1 and Shift+F6 is back again. I have deleted all ghost key assignments of UE v12.00.

              Oct 17, 2006#6

              Since v12.20 of UltraEdit and v6.00 of UEStudio no ghost key assignments exist anymore after an update/upgrade. UltraEdit assigns now only those default keys to commands which are really available in UltraEdit and only if the default key is not already assigned to a different command.

              Also many new commands including some standard Windows commands are now available in the key mapping configuration dialog for a personal adjustment.

              And the key mapping can be exported to a text file sorted either by keys or by IDs with macro hotkeys included.

              Finally the commands itself in the configuration dialog can be displayed either by menu order or sorted by name. Sorted by name helps to find a specific command faster when its name is known (because posted in a forum topic).
              Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria