
Define path to ruby.exe for Ruby scripting

Define path to ruby.exe for Ruby scripting


    Feb 20, 2011#1

    Dear UE Experts,

    I have a simple question on the path used by the Script Ruby Commands Toolbar.

    I have activated this toolbar first and next tried to click "run script".
    An error message pointed me to provide the path of my ruby.exe.

    For any reason the tool did not work with the given path, may be because I pointed to the directory only and not to the .exe file.

    After that I get only a nice message box telling me "The system cannot find the path specified"
    So-far OK, BUT WHERE IN UE is the path stored. I nearly tried any menu and could not succeed !!

    This seems to be a general issue. The documntation is really not very exhaustive. Do I need to install a more detailed one ?!

    Hope somebody can help quickly on that.


    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Feb 20, 2011#2

      Yes, the documentation for Ruby support is not really good in UEStudio. I don't have Ruby installed, but could find out quite easily the information you need.

      The chosen directory is stored in %appdata%\IDMComp\UEStudio\uestudio.ini with

      Path to directory containing subdirectory bin containing the file ruby.exe

      The path is without double quotes. Once the directory is selected it looks like the directory can be only modified by editing the INI file. So please close all running instances of UEStudio and open the file using the path I wrote above with Notepad. Search for the section [Ruby] and modify the path. Please note that you have to enter the path of the main folder of Ruby and not the subdirectory bin which contains ruby.exe.

      Update: Starting with UEStudio v11.20 the Ruby path can be configured at Advanced - Configuration - Integrated Applications - Ruby. And the message displayed on clicking the Ruby symbol in the toolbar without having Ruby installed and directory set is also much better now in comparison to previous versions of UEStudio.