
Dictionaries for spell checker

Dictionaries for spell checker

Basic UserBasic User

    Apr 20, 2007#1

    There is one thing I really don't like in Ultraedit: the dictionaries.

    The Italian, German, French and Dutch version have many many errors.

    Would it be possible to integrate other dictionaries p.e. Aspell/Mozilla in ultraedit?

    Actually I copy the text to Thunderbird, do a spell check and recopy the text in Ultraedit.
    The mozilla dictionaries are very good.

    Thanks in advance,

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Apr 20, 2007#2

      Yes, that should be possible because the spell checker in UE/UES is the Aspell spell checker. In subdirectory GNU/aspell/bin of the UE/UES program directory is the Aspell DLL used by UE/UES. Which Aspell version is installed with UE/UES depends on your version of UE/UES. UE v13.00a for example use v0.60.4 of Aspell as I can see when searching for "0.60" in the DLL.

      So you can download and install any dictionary compatible to your Aspell version from the Official Dictionaries page of the Aspell project or the GNU Aspell (Win32 version) page. And you can create your own dictionary.

      Well, I use only the English dictionary, so I have never tested a different official dictionary.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria