
Digital Mars C++ App with MFC

Digital Mars C++ App with MFC


    Aug 04, 2005#1

    I have an application that I have successfully built with DMC++, using MFC libs. As a test I ported it over to UEStudio and was able to make the thing compile and link. HOWEVER, when I execute the application it keeps trying to call dwwin.exe, which the original application built under the DM IDE does not do. As a result, the app crashes.

    Any clues? Anyone know which setting is the one I need to change to make this work?

    Advanced UserAdvanced User

      Aug 07, 2005#2

      I haven't experimented much with Digital Mars and UEStudio, yet I noticed that the command lines used to compile and link are vastly different between DM and UES. They both seem to work, yet I am sure there are differences. Perhaps the UES setup is assuming an older version of Digital Mars?

      I would try capturing the commands in the output window -- this is accessible under the "Advanced Build Options" -- and comparing these to what the Digital Mars IDE generates.

      By all means, let us know what you discover!


        Aug 07, 2005#3

        I am getting closer... I think I have it narrowed down to a missing linker option. :idea:

        I have spent some time digging through the MAK and PRJ files generated by the DM IDDE, and I have snagged a few options I did not have already. I am still missing something, though.

        When/if I manage to get it figured out, I have built compiler option files for DMC++ MFC builds (both LIB and DLL modes) and will submit them to Ian & Co. for review. In the meantime, the battle continues.