
Disable auto-copy with double click

Disable auto-copy with double click


    May 05, 2011#1

    I have a problem with UE 16.

    I use often Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V in my documents. When I select with double click a word, this selection automatically replaces my clipboard, so if I do Ctrl+V I paste this word and not my previous clipboard content.

    How I can disable this?

    With UE 13 I haven’t this problem.


    Grand MasterGrand Master

      May 05, 2011#2

      Turn off setting Automatically copy to clipboard when selection is made at Advanced - Configuration - Editor - Miscellaneous.


        May 05, 2011#3

        Thanks for your reply.

        This setting "Automatically copy to clipboard when selection is made" at Advanced - Configuration - Editor - Miscellaneous is already turned off.

        In Uedit32.ini: Auto Copy Selection=0

        What else can I change? Thanks.

        Grand MasterGrand Master

          May 06, 2011#4

          This feature with the posted setting is the only feature of UltraEdit (I know) which copies something automatically to clipboard. So if a double click on a word still results in copying automatically this word to clipboard, it is done most probably by another process, but not by UltraEdit. Perhaps your mouse driver supports that or another tool running in the background.

          You should verify that by using Edit - Select Word which also selects current word and see if the clipboard is modified after using this command. There is View - Views/Lists - Clipboard History to see what happens in clipboard.

          Also enable once a user clipboard via Edit - Clipboards and double click now on words. Do you see that content of user clipboard is changed now or is still the Windows clipboard content changed?


            May 11, 2011#5

            Hi, thanks for your support.
            I have resolved this problem: it's caused by a background program: BABYLON Translate
            Thanks again. Robert