When using UE, I was receiving the error 'Unable to find wordfile for language "dictionaries".' over and over and over. I found the answer and wanted to post it here for anyone else that encounters it.
Now some explanation...
It was time for me to renew my UE license. So, I decided that I would evaluate UEStudio before upgrading. I installed UEStudio, and tried it out. I mostly use scripting languages, so I decided it would be overkill to upgrade. Uninstalled UEStudio and upgraded my UE licence. Downloaded and installed UE and somewhere along the line it started giving me the error message.
The error made it sound like my wordfile was messed up. I have one that is fairly custom, so at first I thought that something was different in the wordfile format. But, it seemed fine -- and I don't have a language named dictionaries in it.
The UEDIT32.INI file gave me the clue. Under the ASPELL section, it said the dictionaries were not installed. Looked under Advanced: Configuration: Spell Checker / Dictionary and the list of dictionaries was blank. Looking at Spell Checker / Dictionary Directories I saw that the Aspell Parent Directory was pointing at the wrong path. Turns out the right path in my case is D:\Program Files\IDM Computer Solutions\UltraEdit. It took a couple of attempts to get it right even though the tip says Directory path which contains the GNU\Aspell directory.
Anyway, getting the directory right cause the Spell Checker / Dictionary choice to fill in with the big list of dictionaries. After restarting UE everything worked correctly.
Learned a couple of bonus items along the way...
The Aspell folks have a repository of language dictionaries located at ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/aspell/dict/0index.html
Aspell's home page is http://aspell.net/
Now some explanation...
It was time for me to renew my UE license. So, I decided that I would evaluate UEStudio before upgrading. I installed UEStudio, and tried it out. I mostly use scripting languages, so I decided it would be overkill to upgrade. Uninstalled UEStudio and upgraded my UE licence. Downloaded and installed UE and somewhere along the line it started giving me the error message.
The error made it sound like my wordfile was messed up. I have one that is fairly custom, so at first I thought that something was different in the wordfile format. But, it seemed fine -- and I don't have a language named dictionaries in it.
The UEDIT32.INI file gave me the clue. Under the ASPELL section, it said the dictionaries were not installed. Looked under Advanced: Configuration: Spell Checker / Dictionary and the list of dictionaries was blank. Looking at Spell Checker / Dictionary Directories I saw that the Aspell Parent Directory was pointing at the wrong path. Turns out the right path in my case is D:\Program Files\IDM Computer Solutions\UltraEdit. It took a couple of attempts to get it right even though the tip says Directory path which contains the GNU\Aspell directory.
Anyway, getting the directory right cause the Spell Checker / Dictionary choice to fill in with the big list of dictionaries. After restarting UE everything worked correctly.
Learned a couple of bonus items along the way...
The Aspell folks have a repository of language dictionaries located at ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/aspell/dict/0index.html
Aspell's home page is http://aspell.net/