
Euro Symbol

Euro Symbol


    Jan 24, 2006#1


    When I copy some text from an html source and paste it into UltraEdit 11.20a, the Euro symbol is not displayed properly. What must I do to have the Euro symbol displayed correctly?

    Best regards,

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Jan 24, 2006#2

      I have no problem with the Euro symbol. First check if your font used for editing has the Euro symbol with hex code 80. Open View - ASCII Table, scroll down to hex code 80 (not decimal) and look at the character. Is it the Euro symbol? If it isn't, use an other font.

      How is the Euro symbol specified in the html source:

      a) Simply as single ASCII byte with hex code 80 - should be no problem if the font has the Euro symbol.

      b) As UTF-8 character with 2 bytes with hex codes AC 20 - UltraEdit successfully converts it when copying from the UTF-8 html file opened in UltraEdit and correctly detected as UTF-8 by UltraEdit to an ASCII file also opened in UltraEdit (AC 20 is converted to 80).

      c) As html entity € as I always use when I insert the Euro symbol in a html file.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Jan 24, 2006#3

        Hi Mofi,

        I checked the font using View | Ascii table. The hex 80 is in fact the Euro symbol. So that part is good.

        When I view the html source from the Financial Times, I see the actual Euro symbol.
        ...is cutting 6,000 administrative jobs over three years to save €1bn...
        But in UltraEdit, it looks differently. I just tried copying and pasting from UltraEdit to here and the Euro symbol comes through here. When looking at the UltraEdit screen, I see a "C" with a squiggle at the very bottom. It appears to be hex C7.

        To summarize, when I copy from the Financial Times to UltraEdit, the Euro symbol is displayed at Hex C7. But yet, when I copy that same text from UltraEdit to here, the Euro symbol once again reappears. So I am confused as to why the Euro symbol is not being properly displayed within my UltraEdit.

        Thank you.

        Best regards,

        Grand MasterGrand Master

          Jan 25, 2006#4

          I copied from http://news.ft.com/home/europe from the text "Company aims to save €1bn a year 19:20" the Euro symbol from Opera to UltraEdit and from Internet Explorer to UltraEdit. No problem. In UltraEdit it has hex code 80. This page from financial times is coded in UTF-8 so the Euro symbol is stored as AC 20.

          Have you enabled Auto detect UTF-8 files at File Handling - Unicode/UTF-8 Detection in the configuration page of UltraEdit?
          Have you tried to copy the Euro symbol from the browser window to Notepad?
          Have you tried to copy the Euro symbol from the html source opened in Notepad to UltraEdit or an other Notepad instance?

          I think, your problem is not caused by UltraEdit. The wrong Unicode conversation is done by Windows or your browser.
          Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


            Jan 25, 2006#5

            Hi Mofi,

            I suspect it is something simple, but I would greatly appreciate your help in finding whatever it is that I need to change.

            Have you enabled Auto detect UTF-8 files at File Handling - Unicode/UTF-8 Detection in the configuration page of UltraEdit?

            Yes, that appears to be the default setting.

            Have you tried to copy the Euro symbol from the browser window to Notepad?

            Yes, I copied from Firefox 1.5 and from IE 6 to notepad. The Euro symbol displays properly.

            Have you tried to copy the Euro symbol from the html source opened in Notepad to UltraEdit or an other Notepad instance?

            Yes, I opened the FT page in notepad, (Euro symbol properly displayed), and then copied it to UltraEdit with no success. It appears to be a hex C7 visually, yet when I look at the hex code, it is hex 80.

            I will try opening the FT page in UltraEdit. Interesting, when I open the FT page directly from UltaEdit and look at the source code, the Euro symbol is clearly visible.

            This is sure perplexing. Clearly the hex 80 code is residing in UltraEdit, but yet the display is incorrect. When I use Notepad, the display is correct. But when I open the FT page directly from UltraEdit, I do see the Euro symbol.

            Any thoughts on how I can defeat this demon?

            Again, I very much appreciate your assistance.

            Best regards,


              Jan 25, 2006#6

              I can exactly duplicate Stecyk's problem. I even see the same capital C with cedilla that he sees.


                Jan 26, 2006#7


                I think there is something fundamentally wrong. Using the Financial Times again, when I copy and paste other text, the apostrophe Hex 92 is copied over correctly; however, visually it shows up as Hex C6.

                There are other errors too. But something is missing or incorrect. The correct values appear to be in the file, yet the display is incorrect.

                Any guidance is most appreciated.

                Best regards,

                Grand MasterGrand Master

                  Jan 26, 2006#8

                  I found your problem. You have activated the OEM character set (old MS-DOS character set) instead of ANSI character set.

                  1) At the menu View click on OEM Character Set to disable it. Then the Euro symbol with hex code 80 is correctly displayed.

                  2) If this setting is already not enabled, uncheck the setting Use OEM fixed pitched font in the dialog View - Set Font and check the font used.

                  3) Last the font can be specified individually for every file extension. At Advanced - Configuration - Editor - Word Wrap/Tab Settings an extension dropdown list exists and you can set a font with Use OEM fixed pitched font option individually for every entry (= file extension) in the list.
                  Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


                    Jan 26, 2006#9


                    Thank you!!

                    Yes, all my problems are solved. This helps tremendously.

                    You've been of great assistance!

                    Best regards,