
Evaluate newer version of UltraEdit

Evaluate newer version of UltraEdit


    Jan 14, 2005#1

    I have v9.xx installed and wanted to evaluate the latest release for the SFTP options. Can I install to a different directory without killing my current registered copy?

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Jan 14, 2005#2

      Simply rename your existing UltraEdit directory and back up your uedit32.ini and uedit32.kbd before installation of the new version. I think, it is also possible to change the directory during installation, but it will always update the ini-file in the windows directory.

      If you move all uedit32.* files from windows to UltraEdit directory and copy the whole UltraEdit directory with a new name in "Program Files" before installation of the new version, you can install the new version again to directory "UltraEdit" and later switch between the two versions easily by renaming the directories, when no UltraEdit instance is running.


      Current installation directory: C:\Program Files\UltraEdit

      Move C:\Windows\uedit32.* to C:\Program Files\UltraEdit

      Before installation copied to: C:\Program Files\UltraEdit9

      Install new version and let UE update existing V9.xx files in UltraEdit directory.

      After installation:
      New version in: C:\Program Files\UltraEdit
      Old version in: C:\Program Files\UltraEdit9

      To switch back to V9.xx:
      rename UltraEdit to UltraEdit10
      rename UltraEdit9 to UltraEdit

      I personally use this method, because it has the advantage that all file associations will be the same, independent which version of UE I am using at the moment.

      Basic UserBasic User

        Jan 14, 2005#3


        This is a bit out of subject, but why to put the ini file in the Windows directory instead of simply putting it in the application's one? It will be easer to live with multiple versions and everythings will be located in the same place.


          Jan 14, 2005#4

          Thanks a million Mofi!!! Your suggestion works perfectly! Now maybe I can convince the boss to upgrade b/c the SFTP works very well for what I need to do...


            Mar 30, 2006#5

            Hi dudes, hi Mofi,

            I actually test version 12 still having Version 11 installed as Mofi described above.
            But fast, I got fed up with that f??? renaming stuff and decided to write a VB script for that.
            Here it is, called switchUE.vbs

            Just configure it and let it run. It explains itself.
            Have fun. Oh, btw: NO GUARANTEE AT ALL !!!!

            rds Bego

            Code: Select all

            'Switch between 2 (TWO!!!) UltraEdit installations
            '- Active folder is called like ...\UltraEdit
            '- A second folders has to be named like ...\UltraEdit11   (with a SUFFIX as difference)
            '- Make sure there are no UEdit* files in your Windows directory !
            'Use the star (*) to look for configs YOU have to do :-)
            Option Explicit
            	Dim shl
            	Dim exename
            	Dim folderNewVersion	'check what is currently active + Plausicheck
            	DIM folderOldVersion	'check what is currently active + Plausicheck
            	Dim folderRunVersion
            	Dim folderAktVersion
            	Dim folderPasVersion
            	Dim args
            	Dim fso
            	DIM AKTVERSION	'aktive Version
            	DIM PASVERSION	'passive Version
            	DIM OLDVERSION
            	DIM NEWVERSION
            	DIM SLASH
            	DIM cntFolders
            	dim answer
            	OLDVERSION = "11"	'*
            	NEWVERSION = "12"	'*
            	folderRunVersion = "C:\Progra~1\Ultraedit"	'*
            	folderNewVersion = folderRunVersion & NEWVERSION
            	folderOldVersion = folderRunVersion & OLDVERSION
            	exename = "uedit32.exe"
            	SLASH = "\"
            	cntFolders = 0
            	'*** No more modification needed from here on ... ***
            	Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
            	cntFolders = abs(fso.FolderExists(folderRunVersion)) + _
            				 abs(fso.FolderExists(folderNewVersion)) + _
            	'first, test the installation with its current configuration
            	if cntFolders <> 2 then
            		MeldungRaus ("Error. There are no 2 Ultraedit-Installations found. Found " & cntFolders)
            	'	MeldungRaus ("Looks good. Found " & cntFolders)
            	end if
            	if fso.FolderExists(folderNewVersion) then
            	end if
            	folderAktVersion = folderRunVersion & AKTVERSION
            	folderPasVersion = folderRunVersion & PASVERSION
            	answer = MsgBox("Active UE is version " & AKTVERSION & "." & vbcrlf & _
            			   "Should version " & PASVERSION & " be activated ?" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & _
            			   "YES=activate and start" & vbcrlf & _
            			   "NO =just activate, no UE start" & vbcrlf & _
            			   "Cancel = do nothing" & vbcrlf _
            			   , vbQuestion+vbYesNoCancel, "Switch active UE-Version. CLOSE RUNNING UE's NOW !!!")
            	if answer = vbcancel then
            	end if
            	'msgbox  folderRunVersion & "-->" & folderAktVersion & vbcrlf & _
            	'        folderPasVersion & "-->" & folderRunVersion
            	fso.MoveFolder folderRunVersion, folderAktVersion
            	fso.MoveFolder folderPasVersion, folderRunVersion
            	if answer = vbyes then
            		'Start UE
            		Set shl = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
            		shl.Run folderRunVersion & SLASH & exename,1 ,FALSE
            	end if
            Sub MeldungRaus (strMeld)
            	wscript.echo strMeld
            	wscript.quit 1
            End Sub