
Evaluating expressions in macros

Evaluating expressions in macros


    Mar 19, 2010#1

    I see postings looking for a macro to increment a value contained in a file, and questions on other problems which could be handled using an external tool for evaluation of any kind of expression. Below please find my suggestion for solving such issues. It's a Tcl script which should have sufficient documentation in-line. As it is Tcl, it can be used on any platform. On Linux and Mac (hopefully soon) you should have Tcl available by default. For Windows users: get Tcl from Activestate or other resource of your choice. Start trying out the script interactively (see inline).


    Code: Select all

    #   This is the Tcl based implementation of an expression evaluator which was designed
    #   to be used as an external UltraEdit/UEx tool.
    #   For tool functionality refer to the help text (inline).
    #   UEx external tool definition:
    #     name  eval
    #     command  tclsh85 eval.tcl "%sel%"
    #     append to existing
    #     capture output
    #     advanced,  replace selection with captured output
    #   UEx macro framework:
    #     IfSel
    #     Else
    #     "?"
    #     Find Up Select "?"
    #     EndIf
    #     RunTool "eval"
    #     Find Select "@"
    #     Find "@"
    #     Replace All SelectText ""
    #   Usage from UEx:
    #     Insert external tool argument (the expression to be evaluated) into the text.
    #       Example: type "1+2".
    #     Select the argument.
    #       Example: Find Up Select "1".
    #     Run the framework macro.
    #       Example: PlayMacro 1 "eval".
    #     Result will be returned as selected text in place of the input.
    #       Example: "3" selected.
    proc run {args} {
        if {[llength $args] != 1 || [lindex $args 0] == "?"} {
            # request for help
            puts ---
            puts {Evaluate Expression           // one call parameter, result to standard output}
            puts USAGE
            puts {  tclsh eval.tcl "arg"        // run Tcl [expr $arg], use default output format}
            puts {  tclsh eval.tcl "arg,form"   // run Tcl [expr $arg], use given output format}
            puts {  tclsh eval.tcl "arg,s"      // run Tcl [eval $arg], take $arg as a Tcl command}
            puts {  tclsh eval.tcl ?            // request help}
            puts NOTES
            puts {- A format specifier may be appended to the argument.}
            puts {  The format specifier must be preceeed with ','.}
            puts {    tclsh eval.tcl "1+10,x"   // example requesting hexadecimal output}
            puts {  The default format specifier depends on detection of a decimal point.}
            puts {  It is either 'd' (requesting decimal output) or 'g' (floating point).}
            puts {- Output is created using Tcl [format %$form [expr $arg]].}
            puts {- If the format specifier is 's', then the argument is not treated as an expression}
            puts {  but as a Tcl command. This means output is created using Tcl [eval $arg].}
            puts {- Quoting of the call argument is only required if there are spaces or}
            puts {  parentheses contained, or if characters conflict with the shell interpreter.}
            puts {    tclsh eval.tcl 1+2        // this is ok}
            puts {    tclsh eval.tcl "1 + 2"    // this is ok}
            puts {- There is support for usage as external tool from within UEx.}
            puts {  . Character <at> is appended to the output.}
            puts {  . After returning control to UEx, the <at> can be referenced for highlighting}
            puts {    the returned string (which is designed to be inserted into the edited text).}
            puts {- In case of an error from evaluation or formatting, the call argument is}
            puts {  returned with a question mark (and <at>) appended.}
            puts {    tclsh eval.tcl 1,q        // example call}
            puts {    "1,q?<at>"                // output}
            puts {- For more information refer to Tcl commands [expr] and [format].}
            puts {  For expressions also refer to Tcl defined math functions.}
            puts {- The script can be tried out working in Tcl interactively:}
            puts {    source eval.tcl}
            puts {    run 1+2}
            puts {    puts $errorInfo          // check for problem details in case of an error}
            puts EXAMPLES
            puts {  tclsh eval.tcl "string repeat - 80,s"    // create a sequence of 80 '-' chars}
            puts {  tclsh eval.tcl "string length {abc},s"   // get string length}
            puts {  tclsh eval.tcl ~0x15,x                   // get ones' complement in hex }
            puts {  tclsh eval.tcl "5 / ([string length {abcd}] + 0.0)"}
            puts {                                           // returns "1.25", float format implied}
            puts {  tclsh eval.tcl "{a}<{b}"                 // do lexical string comparison }
            puts {  tclsh eval.tcl "sin(3),f"                // note the format must be given here}
            puts -nonewline ---@
        } else {
            # single argument - evaluate
            set arg [lindex $args 0]
            if {[regexp {,s$} $arg]} {
                # Tcl command
                set error [catch {set result [eval [string range $arg 0 end-2]]}]
            } else {
                # expression
                set n [string first , $arg]
                if {$n == -1} {
                    # default format
                    if {[string first . $arg] == -1} {
                        set form d
                    } else {
                        set form g
                } else {
                    # format specifier
                    set form [string range $arg [expr {$n + 1}] end]
                    set arg [string range $arg 0 [expr {$n - 1}]]
                set error [catch {set result [format "%$form" [expr "$arg"]]}]
            if {$error} {
                puts -nonewline "[lindex $args 0]?@"
            } else {
                puts -nonewline "$result@"
    if {!$tcl_interactive} {
        eval run $argv