
"execute the 'change file attributes'-command

"execute the 'change file attributes'-command


    Jan 07, 2005#1

    I'm trying to create a password protected page and the instructions that I'm reading from tell me that I need to "execute the 'change file attributes'-command from the Commands menu." A box is supposedly going to appear where it says 'manual'...
    I am so stuck, cuz I can't find anything anywhere that says "change file attributes".


    Advanced UserAdvanced User

      Jan 10, 2005#2

      In the Open from FTP dialog, use the 'Permissions' button after selecting a file or directory.



        Re: "execute the 'change file attributes'-command

        Mar 12, 2007#3

        In the Open from FTP dialog, use the 'Permissions' button after selecting a file or directory.
        Point of clarification (v12.20, 3/2007):

        On the initial file save (via "File/FTP/Save As To FTP"), the file is saved using 'default' permissions ('600' in my case).

        The permissions of the file can then be updated by doing another save via "File/FTP/Save As To FTP") and "browse site" to the filename, clicking on the "permissions" button, and setting permissions ('755' in my case). Clicking the "permissions" button sets the permissions, and you can then cancel out after clicking the "permissions" button.

        Subsequent "Save As to FTP" will use or leave the newly set permissions ('755' in my case) unchanged.

        If anyone knows of a way to establish default permissions within UltraEdit itself for the initial "Save As to FTP", please post it here.

        Jim In Alaska